Chris Hemsworth Comments on Directors Who Criticize MCU Films: “Tell That to the Billions Who Watch Them”

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MCU has had it’s up and downs in the last couple of years, but despite that, it’s still the most successful franchise of all times. What started out as a single movie released in 2008 over the course of 16 years grew into the largest cinematic universe to date which includes both live-action movies, and TV Shows.

Despite this impressive track record, it’s become sort of a trend among high-profile directors to criticize the MCU and superhero movies in general. Some of the biggest names in the industry like Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, and Francis Ford Coppola mocked the premises and the executions, lauding that superhero movies are no true cinema.

While promoting his latest movie, ‘Mad Max: Furiosa’ Chris Hemsworth talked about the trend of trashing MCU movies and superhero movies in general. Hemsworth is lining high-profile roles in recent years, but his most popular so far remains the MCU one, the role of God of Thunder, one of the most popular Marvel Comics characters of all time.

Hemsworth talked to The UK Times, and fired back at the directors, claiming that billions of fans across the globe cannot be wrong.

Those guys had films that didn’t work too — we all have. When they talked about what was wrong with superheroes, I thought, cool, tell that to the billions who watch them. Were they all wrong?

While the quality of MCU movies did go down in the recent times, something that was acknowledged by Iger, Feige, and D’Esposito, that’s certainly about the change. There’s the ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ release to look forward to, the movie that was lauded as the best comic-book adaptation of all time by the people who saw the parts of the movie.

Iger also announced that they are planning on decreasing output in the upcoming years, in an attempt to raise the quality of the released projects.

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