‘Batgirls’ Editor Clears up Relationship Between Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain After Fans Assume They Are Gay

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‘Batgirls’ is a comic book series published by DC Comics, focusing on the adventures of multiple characters who have taken up the Batgirl mantle. The series prominently features Barbara Gordon (the original Batgirl, also known as Oracle), Cassandra Cain, and Stephanie Brown. Barbara Gordon acts as a mentor to Cassandra and Stephanie, who take on the Batgirl roles more directly.

One of the most notable aspects of the story is certainly the relationship between Cassandra and Stephanie. The two bonded through trauma and developed a beautiful relationship, and then, fans started reading too much into it.

Shippers are nothing new, they exist in almost every fandom imaginable, the worst arguably being the anime fandom. One of the most popular ships in the ‘Batgirls’ series were the interactions between Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain that were perceived by some fans as romantic in nature.

Recently, the editor of the series Jessica Chen cleared up the relationship between two characters after fans inquired whether the romantic undertones were intentional and what stopped her from making them a couple.

Jessica Chen answered that the relationship is based on her own relationships and there’s nothing romantic going on. People can support each other and be really good friends without being a couple, which in recent times seems inconceivable I guess.

We based Cass & Steph’s best friend relationship off our own real ones, and actually, all my close female friendships are incredibly supportive with one another in the exact same way Cass & Steph are (like sisters from other misters), and without and romantic undertones! Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but these two are the bestests of BFFFFFF! 🙂

Some fans were disappointed with the answer and stated that the “Cass & Steph” shipping would remain a part of their headcanon, while the other half of the fandom was pleased, stating that not every single character needs to be LGBT, there’s enough representation as it is, especially among female Gothamites.

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