‘Agatha All Along’ Creator Jac Schaeffer Reveals Juicy Details on How Agatha and Rio Met & Yes It Includes Agatha Killing People

One of the most exciting aspects of ‘Agatha All Along’ was definitely the relationship between Rio Vidal and Agatha. Even before the show was released both Plaza and Hahn hinted that the two share a complicated history that’s more romantic than anything.
In episode 4 it was officially revealed that the two were in a relationship once a upon time but it ended on a terrible note with Rio now serving as Agatha’s personal villain. Rio also revealed that she was forced to do something terrible and Agatha wasn’t able to forgive her and this left her with a permanent emotional Agatha-shaped scar.
Then in the final episode, we saw that Rio was the one who took Nicky from Agatha. Agatha’s son was supposed to die either during birth or shortly after birth, Rio explained that she couldn’t heal him but she could give him time.
Agatha was forced to kill hundreds of witches to pay for that time, but Rio took him nevertheless.
Long story short, it was an extremely tragic moment, and Agatha’s and Rio’s relationship never exactly recovered. Rio spent the rest of the centuries chasing Agatha and Agatha spent the long years avoiding Rio.
One aspect of their relationship that was never shown to us was how they met and this is something that the show’s creator Jac Schaeffer explained in detail in her latest interview with Variety.
We did. We talked a lot about their meet cute. We had these really pretty visuals of Agatha killing people and then seeing Rio across the bodies, like that line, “They met over corpses.” I mean, I saw it in my mind. It was really beautiful and also quite funny. And then the room took it in a direction that then they lived together in a cottage, and we talked at length about it, to the point of, “Is Rio Nicky’s father?”
We went down those paths, and they were very gratifying to explore. I think there’s more story there, but we were already biting off so much with the Nicky sequence that was vital to this story, that it didn’t feel like we could flash all the way back to Rio and Agatha before Nicky and then get into Nicky. It sort of threatened to tip the boat over, but I think all those discussions informed what you do see of their relationship.
I supposed being a cosmic entity biological sex means little to Rio and she could technically father a child. It’s not like biological laws work on her. But ultimately Shaeffer revealed that Rio is not the father.
So who is Nicky’s father?
That’s a story for another day, but ultimately for me, it’s irrelevant in this story.
Do you know who it is?
The truth is that even if I did have an answer, I don’t cover it in this property. So it is fodder for a story for another day, that I maybe don’t have control over.
The showrunner also explained what the line “made from scratch meant”
You do have Agatha saying “I made you from scratch” to Nicky right after he’s born, which could mean so many things, like he was conjured or he’s an immaculate conception. Where did that line come from?
I came up with it, and [my co-writer] Laura Donney loved the line so much, she was like, “I feel like I could have written this,” but she said it in this lovely way of, “it is born of our work.” It’s my favorite line in the show, because I love the ambiguity of it. I welcome the interpretations.
For me, I believe it’s about the character of Agatha making something. Her power set is only about death and destruction. She can’t make anything. She doesn’t have chaos magic, like Billy and Wanda, and this is something that she made herself. It required no lying and no conning, and there’s something for her that is pure and beautiful about creation.
Source: Variety
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