‘Agatha All Along’ Finale Confirms Her True Evil Nature
‘Agatha All Along’ recently released its final two episodes. Both episodes 8 and 9 were bittersweet, some characters are truly gone, while some, like Agatha, remain in a somewhat unconventional manner so they can be used in future projects if necessary.
Ever since the show was announced, fans have been hoping that there’s going to be some sort of redemption arc for Agatha, and I guess you can argue that the last thing Agatha ever did while alive was sacrifice herself for Billy.
But, and there’s a big but coming, Episode 9 also showed us that Agatha is beyond redemption and rotten to the core. Why? In the final episode of the show, we see that Agatha had quite a good reason for why she started killing witches, earning her quite a bloody reputation in the community.
Her son, Nicholas Scratch was supposed to die during birth and Agatha bargained with her ex, – Lady Death to buy him more time. Death admitted that she couldn’t heal him but could give him more time.
This led to Agatha and Nicky killing witches wherever they went for a few years, leaving a trail of bodies behind them.
As Nicholas was getting older, the child likely pieced together why they needed to kill the witches and he likely no longer wanted to be a part of it. Nicholas died during the night after he and Agatha skipped “sacrifice” one evening.
Agatha was heartbroken by her son’s death, but literally seconds after laying his body to rest she was back to her old murderous ways. Yes, even after her son had died when there was seemingly no reason to continue killing Witches, Agatha murdered thousands over the course of several centuries.
The explanation for why she continued killing was never given. We can theorize that it was because she became addicted to power and was simply evil.
The continued killing is just the last aspect of Agatha’s evil – the fact that she started killing in the first place is extremely wrong. She grossly violated the natural order of things and sacrificed hundreds of lives to give her son some more time. Yes, Agatha was aware that her son didn’t have a future, he had borrowed time, and yet she still continued killing.
Agatha was aware of how wrong that was, as she said to Billy herself, she is afraid to face her own son in the afterlife because the price for his life which lasted a few years at best was too high.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!