‘Agatha All Along’ Finale Finally Explains Agatha’s Deal With Rio aka Lady Death

The relationship between Rio Vidal and Agatha was definitely one of the most mysterious aspects of the show. Back in episode 1 when Rio was first introduced sparks were flying and even before it was officially confirmed, fans knew there was something more in their past.
Episode 4 further reveals that the two were in fact in a relationship. But it ended on a somewhat tragic note, with the two becoming the most bitter of enemies. Agatha seemingly wanted nothing to do with Rio, and Rio in turn described Agatha as her “scar.”
Now back then, if you’ve guessed that Agatha is mad at Rio beacuse she played a part in her son’s death – you were correct.
Episode 9 of ‘Agatha All Along’ transported us several centuries in the past. Agatha can be seen as heavily pregnant and about to give birth. Agatha’s whole world collapsed when she saw Rio approaching – meaning that her child likely wouldn’t live through the labor.
Now this is an interesting part since it kind of implies that the two weren’t in a relationship at that time, since Agatha is surprised to see Rio and we also don’t know who fathered Nicholas Scratch. But this is less important.
Rio is clearly devastated due to what she is about to do, and she bargains with Agatha. She can’t heal Nicholas but she can give him more time. This led to Nicholas and Agatha traveling around basically serially killing witches in order to buy a few days of life for Nicky. It worked until it stopped working.
Now Agatha and Rio obviously had some kind of a deal that involved time, not even necessarily power. It seems that Rio craved specific types of souls, possibly beacuse she can’t harvest witches without some kind of outside intervention and Agatha fit the bill perfectly.
Considering that Rio admitted that Agatha is “running out of time” and that she got “special treatment” it’s obvious that Rio postponed harvesting Agatha for as long as possible, well, at least as long as Agatha delivered a steady stream of souls/bodies.
Agatha would likely lived for god knows how long if she delivered her next target, Billy. It’s unclear whether Agatha is now free from her deal with Rio, she is ultimately dead and in ghost form, what we can with certainty say is that Billy is no longer being targeted by Rio.
Rio mentioned that balance had to be restored and since both Agatha and Billy were unnaturally “alive” it was either or – the two couldn’t exist at the same time.
It’s also extremely likely that Agatha was supposed to die along with her son, and her deal with Rio wasn’t exclusively tied to Nicky. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!