All 13 X-Men Movies & Appearances in Order

X-Men movies are always a thrill to watch, but it is fair to admit that properly determining in which manner it is best to watch them can be a bit complicated. There are thirteen X-Men movies and appearances, and on that note, we’ve decided to compile a list of all of them and explain to you the best way to watch them!
X-Men movies in order by release date
If you’ve decided to have an X-Men movie marathon or are just interested in when each movie was released, this list is for you. The first X-Men movie was released in 2000 and kickstarted this mutant-centered franchise. Here are all X-Men movies by their release date:
- ‘X-Men’ (2000)
- ‘X2’ (2003)
- ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ (2006)
- ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ (2009)
- ‘X-Men: First Class’ (2011)
- ‘The Wolverine’ (2013)
- ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ (2014)
- ‘Deadpool’ (2016)
- ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (2016)
- ‘Logan’ (2017)
- ‘Deadpool 2’ (2018)
- ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ (2019)
- ‘The New Mutants’ (2020)
In the rest of the article, we’ll show you in detail how the movies are connected, provide you with a chronological list of all the movies, and give you a brief summary of all movies. You can also find out where you can watch all of them!
Note: The rest of the article contains spoilers!
Are X-Men movies connected? What’s the best order to watch them?
X-Men movies are more or less connected. The whole franchise is connected because the characters and references in the movies connect the movies, but the X-Men’s timeline is all over the place. That is why the best way to watch these movies is in chronological order, which might even leave some question marks on your head due to various timelines.
In the next few chapters, we’ll try to explain the chronological order of the X-Men movies as best as possible.
X-Men movies in chronological order
The chronological order of the X-Men movies is very complicated since there is no single timeline to be followed but two or even more. The difference between release order and chronological order is that chronological order explains better character development and how some altered events in the past changed the future, and some characters ceased to exist in the alternate future.
So, if you were to watch this franchise by its release date, half of it would just not make sense. Without further complication, here are the X-Men movies in chronological order:
- ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ (2009)
- ‘X-Men: First Class’ (2011)
- ‘X-Men’ (2000)
- ‘X2: X-Men United’ (2003)
- ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ (2006)
- ‘The Wolverine’ (2013)
- ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ (2014)
- ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (2016)
- ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ (2019)
- ‘Deadpool’ (2016)
- ‘The New Mutants’ (2020)
- ‘Logan’ (2017)
- ‘Deadpool 2’ (2018)
In the paragraphs below, we will explain this order in more detail.
1. ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ (2009)
If we follow the timeline chronologically, the events of this movie happen first: we meet Wolverine, and he’ll become an important part of the X-Men in the future.
2. ‘X-Men: First Class’ (2011)
The movie explains how the original X-Men came to be, led by Charles Xavier and Eric, to protect mutants. It also explains the falling out between the two, and their differences are continued years later in the X-Men movie.
3. ‘X-Men’ (2000)
Years later, Charles Xavier runs a school where mutants can learn how to control their powers and be safe, and he also hopes to educate humans about it and preserve peace between humans and mutants. Magneto thinks the mutants should not be considered lesser species and is prepared to go to war.
4. ‘X2: X-Men United’ (2003)
The movie is a sequel to ‘X-Men,’ and it adds up nicely in the storyline. It is also considered one of the best movies in the franchise.
5. ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ (2006)
It’s the final movie in the original trilogy. The ‘cure’ for mutants has been invented, threatening to eradicate them from existence. Wolverine has to make heartbreaking decisions.
6. ‘The Wolverine’ (2013)
Following the events in ‘Last Stand,’ Wolverine struggles with his loss and grief. He travels to Japan, where he faces a man from his distant past. The movie’s end builds toward the ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past.’
7. ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ (2014)
Wolverine is sent to the past to alter an important event and prevent the mutant extinction in the future. This movie erases everything after the ‘X-Men: First Class’ events and sets the new timeline.
8. ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ (2016)
It is set in the 1980s in an alternate timeline after the X-Men stopped Oliver Trask and his sentinels in the previous movie; they now face an all-powerful ancient mutant.
9. ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ (2019)
It takes place a decade after the events in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ it is centered around Jean Grey, who absorbed the Phoenix Force.
10. ‘Deadpool’ (2016)
It’s hard to determine where exactly to pinpoint this movie on this list, but this seems like a perfect place because of everything that follows after it. You can also watch this movie after the original trilogy and ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine.’
11. ‘The New Mutants’ (2020)
The events of this movie happen before the events in ‘Logan,’ so it fits here nicely.
12. ‘Logan’ (2017)
Set a few years later than ‘The New Mutants,’ and it follows Logan in his senior years.
13. ‘Deadpool 2’ (2018)
Logically, this movie comes on the list after ‘Logan’ since Deadpool repeatedly references its events. The movie also explains what to expect in the future and how Deadpool ‘cleared’ the timelines.
Where to watch X-Men movies?
You can watch all the movies mentioned above on the Disney+ platform, except ‘The New Mutants.’ That movie you can purchase or rent on Amazon Prime Video.
Will there be more movies featuring X-Men?
It has been officially confirmed that ‘Deadpool 3’ is the next movie in the franchise, and it is set to be released on May 3, 2024.
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