Warner Bros. Releases An Aquaman 2 Trailer…Or Do They?

Relentless. Even though Shazam is a mere three days away, Warner Bros. and DC continue to impress. The duo released an apparent Aquaman 2 trailer only to have it hijacked by Shazam.
The trailer starts with the words Aquaman 2 Trailer and then fades to the “The King Shall Reign”. Before the letters could fade out to a predictable action-packed sequence, the word “king” is replaced by the word “kid”. From there, Shazam flies across the screen, the Shazam logo covers the Aquaman words, and he zaps the words “In Theaters Thursday” on the right side. Then, of course, it fades out to the predictable action-packed sequences.
Early reviews of the movie are favorable. As the trailer states, Shazam is “The most fun you’ll have at the movies…all year” and it “Electrifies the DC Universe.” Most Who have watched it claim that Shazam is a dramatic departure from everything else that DC has done. While movies like Batman v Superman, Man of Steel, and Justice League have dark undertones to them, Shazam is a lighthearted movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Even Rotten Tomatoes, which has come under criticism for causing skewed interpretations of movies, has given it an astounding 93% approval rating.
Interestingly, the movie will come out just weeks after the release of Marvel Studios, Captain Marvel. The is the first time in cinematic history that the two characters with the same name from opposing companies will appear in
If you haven’t seen it, check out the Aquaman/Shazam trailer below.