Author: Liam Rodgers

Experience & expertise:
Liam Rodgers is a professional writer based in Glasgow, Scotland. He has a honours degree in Media and Communications which was obtained at Glasgow Caledonian University. Liam’s expertise includes Marvel, DC, and Star Wars with a keen interest in Greek Mythology. He is a content creator across both Instagram and Tik Tok discussing anything related to comic books and Star Wars. In the past he has worked with companies like Zavvi to promote upcoming collectables and also an indie comic called Digital Pools. Recently, Liam has read and covered a ton of different comic books ranging from superhero to non superhero such as Pulp, The Iliad, Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Hunt and Justice League: Darkseid Wars. Liam is a fanboy of Spider-Man, Superman and Darth Vader and is passionate about the entertainment he consumes. He loves to break down the characters and story points while also giving recommendations on whether or not they are worth your while.
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