2 For 2, Marvel Launches An Avengers Countdown Clock

And it looks like Spider-Man Far From Home isn’t the only upcoming Marvel movie to get the countdown treatment.
Coinciding with the aforementioned Spider-Man clock is an Avengers 4 Countdown Clock. And if you think that sounds like one or two too many clocks, think again. Marvel is extremely good at hyping up their movies. Through strategic trailer launches, to keeping everything inside a sealed envelope, Marvel has become a King at marketing everything they own.
Think about this.
As it stands right now, the movie that the clock references doesn’t even have a proper name. Avengers 4…that’s all we know it as. Sure, the speculation train has ramped up (Annihilation) but nothing is concrete. When it comes to their movies, very little gets leaked. Point in case, the URL for the clock. If you click on the URL, the only thing it says it Untitled.
Yes, Untitled.
They aren’t perfect, however. We do know a few things. Avengers 4 picks up sometime (we don’t know how long) after the events of Infinity War. The Universe has been left in shambles, the population obliterated, and the Avengers short manned.
The once Mighty Avengers don’t look too Mighty.
All of Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Drax, Mantis, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Star-Lord, Groot, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Hope Pym have fallen to the wayside. This, by no coincidence, leaves the Original Avengers Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Hawkeye to team with new recruits War Machine, Hulk, Rocket, Nebula, Ant-Man, and Scarlet Witch to change the course of history.
And change it they will.
I don’t profess to be a soothsayer, however, if the MCU is to continue after Avengers 4 (and the next confirmed 20 movies say it does) then Thanos cannot be left the victor.
Avengers 4 will release May 3rd, 2019 and with it will come more expectations than have ever been placed on a movie. I have absolute confidence that it will break box office records.
But until then, may the Avengers countdown clock continue to tick.