5 Best Comic Book Characters That Use Elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth

Comic book characters that control the elements have long captivated readers with their awe-inspiring powers and larger-than-life personalities. From the blazing flames of a fire wielder to the tranquil waves of a water manipulator, these elemental heroes and villains have left an indelible mark on the world of comics. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top five comic book characters that use elements: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. Join us as we explore the incredible abilities and fascinating backstories of these iconic figures, and discover what makes them some of the most beloved characters in comic book history.
Ororo Monroe, also known as Storm, is the essence of what an elemental mutant can do. She can control every aspect of Mother Nature’s wrath. This includes rain, lightning, snow, fog, hail, and every other imagined storm (see what I did there?).
First appearing in Giant-Size X-Men #1, she quickly rose up the ranks of the X-Men. Storm is the epitome of a born leader, even having led the X-Men from time to time. Her abilities and leadership have always given the X-Men an upper hand against Magneto and The Brotherhood. Remember who is responsible the next time Hell is being unleashed on Earth with a storm.
I really wanted to include Mr. Freeze from DC, but after an extremely hateful portrayal of the character by Arnold Schwarzenegger, I couldn’t do it. So…Bobby Drake/Iceman gives a new meaning to FREEZE! As a founding member of the original X-Men, Bobby Drake is the outcast of the team. Rebellious and much younger than his counterparts, Iceman lives his life a little on the cocky side.
Over time he learned to harness his powers and is now one of a few Omega-level mutants (beings with vast control over matter and energy). Originally appearing as a life-size Frosty the Snowman, over the years, Iceman has turned himself into a fan favorite. The next time it’s a scorcher outside, don’t look at any other elemental characters to put some ice in your drink. Give Iceman a call.
Human Torch
Johnny Storm/Human Torch is the hot head of the Fantastic Four. Yep, that’s right. Marvel’s first family debuted in Fantastic Four #1 way back in 1961. Johnny can set a blaze on himself, enabling him to fly and control fire. A staple in the Marvel Universe and Victim of a Marvel Comic sales attempt when he was “killed” off in Fantastic Four #587, Johnny Storm has continuously been in the spotlight throughout his existence. It was even he who inadvertently tore apart his team in the Civil War Storyline.
Whenever Mother Nature decides to dump a lot of snow and makes it unbearable outside, I have the right guy to heat things up. He will step outside, thaw out the world, telling Mother Nature to kiss his ass.
“I AM GROOT” is the phrase that has taken the world by storm. This phrase rapidly propelled this tree sprout into the mainstream along with his teammates in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. What is there not to like about a character that can grow his tree-like body at will? Or regenerate his limbs, protect his allies, and release spores and leaves?
His debut came in Tales to Astonish #13, and years later, he would find his groove alongside the other Guardians of the Galaxy member. Just don’t call his best friend Rodent.
Don’t worry, DC comic fans. We have a DC character making this elemental characters list. Sorry to say..it’s Aquaman. Yes, I realize when people think of Aquaman, he doesn’t get the credit he deserves as a hero. He is the jab of many jokes and laughable moments. Let’s be honest. Something had to change if you have read any of his issues or know what he looks like.
Now, if the movie correctly utilizes his abilities, he could be one of the standout characters of Justice League. Besides being able to breathe underwater, he can talk to and summon animals from all over the sea from large distances. Imagine if, in the movie, he summoned a giant octopus or a shark. I can’t speak for you, but I’d want them on my team.