‘Blade’ Reportedly Gets Another Plot Update With Michael Green Behind the Script

If you’re reading our stuff often, you’re probably aware that ‘Blade’ comes up at least once a week, more often than not we’re bringing you various plot updates and news regarding the delays. To say that this movie has had a troubled development would be an understatement as much of the movie has been rewritten, and some major names have dropped out from taking part in it.
The latest round of rumors comes from Daniel Richtman, a notable scooper and leaker, now he is only confirming what we reported on several weeks ago. ‘Blade’ is no longer a period piece, Mia Goth is still attached to play the villain.
There’s also the fact that the movie will supposedly tie in with the ‘Midnight Sons’ project as currently the movie is set to take place in the present day. Apparently, Michael Green was hired to do rewrites, and he is now the sole name behind the script of the movie.
Just a few months ago Ali almost walked away from the project due to more delays. As a reminder, the idea for the ‘Blade’ movie was his and he came to the studio with the script. However many fans pointed out that Ali is 50 years old at this point meaning there are limited years left during which he can portray action characters convincingly.
The movie was originally supposed to come out in 2023, but the release date was pushed all the way to 2025 (so far) due to Ali not exactly being happy with the script. The original script of the movie would see Blade take a backseat as the story would mostly revolve around his daughter. In recent times, various scoopers and leakers attempted to connect the upcoming movie with Black Knight, claiming that the title of the movie is both a reference to the character and the weapon, however recently, Kit Harington stated that there are currently no plans for Black Knight in the MCU, at least nothing that he knows about.
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