Blue Beetle vs. Cyborg: Who Would Win in a Fight?

Blue Beetle and Cyborg are two DC characters notable for using technology. Blue Beetle’s suit is the result of a scarab that bonded with him, and Cyborg’s implants are the result of the terrible accident. Both heroes have unimaginable power at their disposal and are known to face some serious threats and cosmic villains. A battle between Cyborg and Blue Beetle would be a fight solely between two types of technology, and due to that, we’ve decided to look into that in a bit more depth. Let’s see, between Blue Beetle and Cyborg, who is more powerful, and who would win?
Blue Beetle is more powerful than Cyborg and would have no issues winning a fight against him. Blue Beetle’s alien tech is much more advanced than what Cyborg has at his disposal, taking into account that much of Blue Beetle’s suit functions and abilities are largely unexplored. Blue Beetle is likewise faster and more durable and would be able to outlast Cyborg in pretty much any scenario. The only aspect where Cyborg would prevail is his mastery of technology, while Blue Beetle struggles to utilize and control his suit at times.
Now that we’ve covered that Blue Beetle is stronger and would prevail against Cyborg, it’s time to see why. If you’re interested in the analysis of both characters, keep reading!
Powers and abilities
In terms of powers and abilities, Blue Beetle mostly relies on the powerful, technologically advanced suit that he gets from an alien scarab merged with his central nervous system. The suit itself is highly advanced and semi-autonomous, and in some instances, it can react faster than Jaime and can even take him over and make the decisions in his name. This is, of course, in cases where self-preservation is crucial.
Blue Beetle’s suit has technomorphic abilities. The suit can mold itself to take any weapon’s form (and functionalities). It has built-in shields, thrusters, beams, and other offensive and defensive means. It can launch nuclear weapons and dispatch mind-melting neural scramblers to dispatch enemies for a short time (or a long time) if the situation calls for it). All in all, Jaime is not aware of what the suit is capable of. Most of the tech is unknown to him, which results in certain problems now and there.
Cyborg, aka Victor Stone, was “enhanced” after he got caught up in a catastrophic accident during which he almost died. His father made the decision to replace some of his body parts with implants, and the rest is history. Cyborg is a perfect mix between a machine and a human biological being, as he has the best of both worlds. Like Blue Beetle, Cyborg can access vast technomorphic abilities. Just by touching any piece of tech, he can absorb it into his existing implants.
He has a vast array of defensive and offensive gadgets. Super sensors allow him to perceive the world in much more detail than a regular human can. Through the use of his implants, Cyborg can utilize Mother boxes and Father boxes. He can shape-shift his body parts to take on certain weapons’ shapes (and functions). He can emit powerful energy-based attacks in the form of lasers, beams, and explosions. Through the use of mother boxes, Cyborg can utilize Boom Tubes in similar ways that Darkseid can. After his merger with Mother Box, Cyborg figured out how to harvest and utilize multiversal forces in both an offensive and defensive manner.
The only aspect in which Cyborg’s suit is inferior to Blue Beetle’s is the fact that if Cyborg wants to upgrade the suit, he has to do it himself. His implants are not all-powerful and tend to be outdated depending on the foe he is facing. However, Blue Beetle’s suit does this without Jaime even knowing, as the suit itself is semi-autonomous. Still, the fact that Cyborg knows his tech better and he is more experienced, the point goes to both of them.
Points: Cyborg (1:1) Blue Beetle
Strength and Stamina
Blue Beetle is capable of lifting up to 20 tons, which places him among the physically strongest superheroes in the DC universe, well, at least when we’re talking about human superheroes. In terms of stamina, because his suit does most of the work, he can fight for a really long time without suffering the consequences of fatigue. Without the suit, Jaime is limited to his human physiology, but inside the suit, there’s really little you can do to limit his power.
Cyborg can lift anywhere between 5 and 20 tons, but in the comics, at best, you’re going to see him handling 5 tons. Due to being half-robot, Cyborg has enhanced stamina, and his body produces significantly fewer fatigue toxins. Once they accumulate, he is capable of dealing with them far more efficiently than the average human being. To put it simply, Cyborg can fight for a very long time.
Both Cyborg and Blue Beetle are super strong, but at least in terms of lifting, Blue Beetle has been seen handling far heavier things. The point goes to him.
Points: Cyborg (1:2) Blue Beetle
Due to his alien speed, Blue Beetle is capable of achieving crazy faster-than-light speeds. His reflexes and reaction times are much faster than an average human being due to the suit’s ability to take over Jaime’s movements. Blue Beetle is so fast that he can utilize the time-dilation effect to simultaneously appear at the two places. He can dodge various projectile-based and regular physical attacks with such efficiency that it sometimes doesn’t even look like he moved.
We’ve already mentioned that Cyborg has access to Boom Tubes, but this is not the only tech that allows him to travel near instantly. He also has jump jets, which allow him to jump over large distances easily. He can fly. He can travel to hypertime, teleport, and through open space without many issues. But all of this doesn’t serve him as well while he is in combat. Cyborg has incredible reflexes, agility, and reaction times in combat, but he appears to be much slower than Blue Beetle. Due to this, Jaime gets the point.
Points: Cyborg (1:3) Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle’s suit is nearly-indestructible. He is capable of tanking nuclear bombs, and he once fell from orbit and lived to tell the tale. His suit is quite capable utilizes and converting environmental energy into useful forms of power. And while wearing it, Blue Beetle is protected from the harmful effects of even the most inhospitable environments known to mankind. Overall, the suit is not only bulletproof, but it’s also nuclear-proof, and it’s difficult to injure Blue Beetle, if not even downright impossible.
Cyborg has had much of his biological bodily tissues replaced with molybdenum-steel that serves as his bones and Promethium skin grafts that allow his skin to become completely bulletproof. Still, it is possible to injure him or even kill him, but this is where his “healing” factor kicks in, as his implants are capable of assembling themselves again, and in one instance, Cyborg was resurrected after dying completely.
All in all, both Blue Beetle and Cyborg have the best protection that humans can imagine and are nearly invulnerable. However, Blue Beetle seems to be more durable between the two of them. Yes, Cyborg managed to resurrect himself, but he had to die due to injuries for that to happen. The point goes to Blue Beetle.
Points: Cyborg (1:4) Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle’s suit comes with artificial intelligence “installed.” This AI reacts to dangers and analyzes surroundings and dangers far faster than any mind could. Through the suit, Blue Beetle can, in large part, interact with other forms of technology. This makes hacking, interrupting radars, robots, levitation, teleportation, and other disruptions possible.
Cyborg’s implants interact directly with his brain, so he had to create a program that filters out unnecessary data called “the grid.” He has enhanced hearing, vision, and built-in tracking systems and access to a vast database of information, transforming Cyborg into a brilliant biological super-computer.
He is among the best hackers in the world, and due to his implants and connection to mother boxes, he can sometimes achieve cosmic awareness. But even without all these additions, Cyborg was considered to be a super-genius with an IQ of 170, and he is definitely among the smartest characters in the DC universe.
With everything said, even without his technology, Cyborg is far more brilliant than Blue Beetle. This point goes to him.
Points: Cyborg (2:4) Blue Beetle
Combat Skills
Blue Beetle does not have formal training and mostly relies on his suit to make all the decisions for him. He has trouble controlling the suit, and he doesn’t have as much experience in combat as Cyborg has. Most combat-related decisions are made by the suit, but this can never supplement Jaime’s own unawareness of what he can do.
Cyborg, on the other hand, is an expert combatant trained by the best fighters in the DC universe, Wonder Woman and Batman. He has much more experience fighting notable villains and has had a lot of years to master several forms of both armed and unarmed combat.
Cyborg is a far more skilled and experienced fighter, and due to this, he wins this point.
Points: Cyborg (3:4) Blue Beetle
Cyborg vs. Blue Beetle: Who is stronger, and who wins?
As you can see, it was an extremely close fight between the two of them, but at the end of the day, Blue Beetle has better tech that is alien in origin and is much more durable. Blue Beetle is definitely stronger and faster between the two of them, and he wouldn’t have trouble countering everything that Cyborg can throw his way.