Cristin Millioti and Lauren LeFranc Hint at a Possible Sofia and Catwoman Team-Up

HBO’s The Penguin wrapped up its thrilling season of eight episodes with a spectacular finale on November 10, 2024. Fans and critics alike praised the show, especially Colin Farrell’s portrayal of The Penguin and Cristin Millioti’s performance as Sofia Falcone.
While we won’t spoil anything here for those who haven’t watched the finale, we will discuss what might come next. Now that the season is over, the cast has shared hints about what the future could hold for their characters.
In an interview with The Direct, Cristin Millioti and showrunner Lauren LeFranc discussed the finale’s hints and Sofia’s future, including a possible team-up with a well-established character from Matt Reeves’ Batman universe.
While we won’t give away any spoilers from the finale, we can say the series hints at a possible future team-up between Sofia Falcone and Selina Kyle, a.k.a. Catwoman, played by Zoë Kravitz. The two characters share some intriguing connections. When asked about this possibility, Cristin Millioti had this to say:
I mean, it’s my wildest hope that I get to revisit her, because I’ve loved this role so immensely. It’s like, one of my favorite things I’ve ever gotten to do, and I’m just obsessed with her. And I think if [Sofia and Selina Kyle] were united, we would just really tear shit up. I don’t know how to say it… We would just like, burn it down. You know what I mean? In a fun way. I think we’d have a lot of fun.
She was also asked if Sofia would team up with Batman to take down The Penguin after everything that happened, and she made her stance clear:
I think I would team up with Selena against all of them, yeah? Like, I think we can handle it.
As mentioned, Millioti wasn’t the only one asked about the potential team-up. Showrunner Lauren LeFranc was also questioned and provided a much longer, and very different, perspective on the idea:
The most important thing to me is to finish off Sofia’s emotional journey within our season. It felt right the fact that she could never find her footing in this family; this family betrayed her and treated her so disrespectfully, and what they did to her is just so unthinkable that she feels very lost and like she doesn’t have a family.
And at the very end, she ultimately loses. It’s Oz’s show. He rises to the top at a cost to himself and to many other people. And so it’s a sad, tragic ending for Sophia, and yet I wanted her to have a little bit of hope.
To me, Selina offers that sense of hope because they are half-sisters, and she’s family. She’s potential family that Sophia actually still has. She thinks everybody around her that she cared about or hated are dead, and she’s wrong, and so that’s just an inkling of hope for us to leave Sophia with at the end.
Source: The Direct
From what we know, the future of Matt Reeves’ Batman universe looks promising, and we hope that no executive decisions will interfere with what could be one of the best superhero projects ever.
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