‘Deadpool 3’: Here’s How Vanessa Is Alive Despite Her Death in ‘Deadpool 2’

Even before the teaser trailer for ‘Deadpool 3’ was released we knew that Morena Baccarin would reprise her role as Vanessa in the upcoming Deadpool installment. We know that Vanessa, Wade’s primary love interest in the movies, was a major drive for pretty much most things that Deadpool was doing. This is especially evident in ‘Deadpool 2’ when following Vanessa’s death, Deadpool tries to find a way to kill himself and refuses to accept that she is gone. Now in the teaser trailer, Vanessa can be seen alive and well celebrating birthday with Wade, so what’s up with that? How is Vanessa alive?
What happened to Vanessa in the first place?
We know that Vanessa and Wade become a thing even before he was transformed into Deadpool, as the two started dating long before Wade’s cancer diagnosis. Even though he was a mercenary Vanessa wasn’t exactly a target of his enemies until he sought the experimental cure and found himself on the radar of Ajax. Over the course of both movies, Vanessa was once almost killed and was once killed.
After Deadpool revealed his face to Vanessa the two started dating again and considering that they were fiances, they even talked about having a child despite Wade still working as a hired killer. Mere hours after agreeing to have a child, one of Deadpool’s targets Sergei Valishnikov broke into his apartment with his goons and attacked Wade and Vanessa. Vanessa found herself in the crossfire of the events and was shot and killed.
Her death wasn’t “supposed” she was legitimately dead and gone, and this was what kickstarted the whole sequel. Deadpool couldn’t deal with Vanessa being gone and attempted suicide several times. But, we know that Deadpool, due to his healing factor, can’t exactly die and the best he got was a couple of near-death experiences during which he saw Vanessa in her full glory.
So how is Vanessa back in ‘Deadpool 3’?
We never actually saw it in the main portion of the movie but in ‘Deadpool 2’ Wade did resurrect Vanessa with the help of a time-travel machine that he stole from Cable. This takes place during the End Credits scene, we can see Yukio and Negasonic hunched over what appears to be some kind of an elaborate device and they appear to be repairing it.
Deadpool appears and hurries Yukio and Negasonic to fix the device as soon as possible while Yukio warns him that Cable is going to kill him when he finds out that he took the device. After Deadpool leaves with the device, both Yukio and Negasonic comment on how this is probably a bad idea.
Then, the next scene we see is the night Vanessa got murdered and Deadpool manages to kill Sergei Valishnikov before he shoots Vanessa, saving her and preventing her death from taking place in the first place. After seeing that this was successful, Wade travels further in time and saves Peter from certain death by talking him out of joining X-Force.
Next, we see Wade going further back in time and killing his alternative version that we saw during the events of ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine.’ Wade shoots alternative Deadpool in the head from point-blank range just as he and Wolverine are about to fight.
Then, we see Deadpool killing Ryan Reynolds as he is reading the script for the ‘Green Lantern’ movie. Lastly, we see Deadpool traveling back to 1889 and attempting to kill Adolf Hitler, but he can’t make himself do it, he promises he will return with Cable who apparently has a penchant for killing kids.
Deadpool explained that he was “cleaning up” the timelines, and even though fans doubted that this end-credits scene was canon in the first place, considering that we’re going to see Vanessa in ‘Deadpool 3’ along with Peter, it seems that it was.
Not only that but it seemed to be a perfect opportunity to join Deadpool with the MCU now that he has made a complete and utter mess out of his original timeline, to the extent that the TVA had to be involved.
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