‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Just Might Be Setting Up the Next Avengers With Brutal Future Outcome

Even before ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ premiered, Feige said that the era of mutants in the MCU began with this movie. This becomes clear during the movie when both mutants and the X-Men are referenced in a way like they have never been before within this cinematic universe.
So, what does this mean for the future of the MCU? Well, if our theory proves correct it means something very brutal, only the X-Men will remain standing in it when the credits of ‘Secret Wars’ roll.
If you want to avoid spoilers for ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ I suggest you stop reading now!
Over the course of the movie, we see that Deadpool’s reality is basically doomed due to the death of the “anchor being” in his native Earth-10005 reality. That anchor being was unfortunately Wolverine who died during the events of ‘Logan’ released in 2017. Deadpool’s reality has some 1000 or so years of existence but Mr. Paradox cannot wait that long. He attempts to utilize the Timeripper to destroy his reality quickly, but in order to stop Deadpool from meddling with his plans he attempts to send him, as he claims, to MCU reality where he will join the Avengers.
Deadpool doesn’t want his loved ones to perish into nothingness and manages to fetch an alternate variant of Wolverine, but Mr. Paradox refuses to hear Deadpool’s rationale and banished both Deadpool and Wolverine to the Void, a Multiversal junkyard.
Long story short by the end of the movie Deadpool & Wolverine manage to stop the Timeripper from destroying that reality, and they do something else, they manage to miraculously regenerate Earth-10005. It’s no longer dying a “natural” death, it’s thriving now.
This means that technically Fox X-Men universe is still alive as Earth-10005 houses all the most popular mutants, Deadpool, and Wolverine as well.
So, if mutants and the X-Men are once again safely housed within Earth-10005 why would they be in the MCU? Well, through incursions. Incursions were already teased during the events of ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ and ‘The Marvels.’
This phenomenon basically means that two realities are clashing when the borders between them vanish, during the process either one or both realities can be destroyed. The more you tamper with space-time the more incursions will occur. Tampering with space-time has however been a regular theme in recent MCU projects. Starting with Kang the Conqueror and ending with Loki who managed to break the wheel and start his own thing.
Now it’s clear that incursions will just get worse, and there’s a possibility that ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ is just the beginning of the adaptation of the ‘Time Runs Out’ Marvel storyline. Such an event could see the clash between Earth-10005 and Earth-616 which will see Avengers and the X-Men brutally fighting for survival.
Everything would naturally, just like in the storyline, culminate with ‘Secret Wars.’
‘Time Runs Out’ concludes with the universe-ending event known as ‘Secret Wars,’ where the Marvel multiverse is essentially reset. This event, orchestrated by Doctor Doom and involving the surviving remnants of different universes, leads to the creation of a new Marvel Universe.
It’s long been rumored that ‘Secret Wars’ will reboot the MCU with only X-Men and Fantastic Four remaining in the MCU, which means that we would have to say our farewell to the Avengers, perhaps forever.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!