Like Father Like Son: Fans Have Trouble Understanding Luke Skywalker’s Excessively High Kill Count

Even if you’re not that much into Star Wars, you likely know who Luke Skywalker is and what he stands for in the franchise. Luke represents the ideals of hope, compassion, and justice. He consistently chooses to fight for these principles, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
His moral clarity and commitment to the light side of the Force set him apart as a beacon of good. He is, alongside Obi-Wan one of the most notable Jedi in the franchise….and also one of the characters with the highest kill count in the franchise.
Luke stood against the oppressive Galactic Empire and its authoritarian rule. His role in the Rebel Alliance and his leadership in the fight for freedom and justice position him as a symbol of resistance against tyranny and corruption – and that resistance against tyranny and corruption is why Luke had to kill a lot of people.
According to the List of Deaths Wiki, Luke’s kill count stands at an impressive number of 1,549,324. It’s due to the destruction of Death Star.
During the Battle of Yavin, Luke piloted his X-wing fighter and, with the help of the Force, managed to make the critical shot that led to the Death Star’s destruction. He fired proton torpedoes into a small thermal exhaust port, which was the weak point in the Death Star’s design. His successful attack caused a chain reaction that resulted in the Death Star exploding, and plenty of characters dying. It was for the greater good, however.
Luke Skywalker was responsible for the deaths of several notable characters. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and Admiral Conan Antonio Motti were killed when Luke destroyed the Death Star. Colonel Wullf Yularen also perished in the explosion of the Death Star.
In his confrontation with the Empire, Luke set off a concussion grenade inside an AT-AT, killing Colonel Starck. He also caused Pateesa’s skull to be crushed by making a gate fall on it. On Tatooine, Luke dealt with Barada and Pagetti Rook by slashing them with his lightsaber, causing them to fall into the Sarlacc pit.
Additionally, Luke’s actions led to the deaths of Salacious B. Crumb, Ree-Yees, and Hermi Odle when he blew up the Sail Barge, and these are just some of his kills.
Fans were surprised by this revelation and some of the comments are hilarious:
The Force is strong in the Skywalker family and they sure have sent enough people to be one with it.
“Great shot, kid! That was one in a.. I mean, one AND a million!”
Yeah he was grinding to fight Vader and the Empire. That’s gonna be a lot of cannon fodder. Death star added good bonus xp too
War Crimes run in the family.
“Hero” “Good Guy” “Legend”
Has taken over 1.5 million lives
It’s only a war crime if you lose
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