Fans Rank the 20 Most Annoying A-List Actors, Some MCU & DCEU Names Made It To the Top of the List

Recently, Ranker conducted a survey to determine the most annoying A-list actors, with over 100 names to choose from. In this article, we’ll focus on the top 20 actors and actresses from the list, sharing our own insights and opinions to give you a more detailed look at the results. Since this list is quite intriguing, we’ve decided to share it with you, ranking the top 20 from 20th to 1st place.
20. Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck is undoubtedly a dedicated and creative filmmaker, but his personal life and issues have frequently made headlines, which is something fans generally dislike.
19. Elliot Page
This is a tricky one, but given the attention around Page’s gender change, it’s understandable why some fans might be upset. Whether it’s based on facts or not is another matter, but we can see where the frustration is coming from.
18. Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand hasn’t been in the spotlight for a while, but it seems some older fans still remember her reputation from her peak years. You might want to ask your parents about this one.
17. Angelina Jolie
This is likely due to her complicated relationship with Brad Pitt and the feud with Jennifer Aniston. While Jolie is a talented actress, her personal life has definitely overshadowed some of her accomplishments.
16. Kevin Spacey
This is something we can definitely understand. He wasn’t the most popular actor even before the scandal, but his careless comments and actions after the serious sexual assault allegations made his downfall inevitable. Honestly, we’re surprised he’s not ranked higher on this list.
15. Lindsay Lohan
We imagine that millennials voted for Lohan on this list, as she hasn’t been in the spotlight for years. Younger fans might not be aware of all her past scandals, but if you’re a millennial, you’ll likely understand why she’s included here.
14. Sarah Silverman
Similar to others on this list, Sarah Silverman hasn’t really done anything specific to land here – most people would probably just say she’s annoying, and that sums it up pretty well.
13. Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg has been around for decades, and like Barbra Streisand, she’s likely on this list due to older fans who remember some of her past comments and reactions.
12. Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin, the most well-known of the Baldwin brothers, has been disliked by fans for a while due to his behavior, and the recent gunshot incident has only made his place on this list more certain.
11. Lea Michele
Honestly, we’re not sure what Lea Michele did to end up on this list, as we’re not very familiar with her life and career. However, knowing she was in Glee, we can guess there are reasons behind it.
10. Jennifer Lopez
It’s no surprise that Jennifer Lopez made this list, as many fans find her entitled behavior and public comments annoying. While she might have ranked lower, we totally understand why she’s here. And of course, there’s also the whole Ben Affleck situation…
9. James Corden
He’s everywhere, even in places he probably shouldn’t be, so this isn’t really surprising. While he has many fans, the horror that was Cats only solidified his spot on this list.
8. Jada Pinkett Smith
Given her often obnoxious personality and the belief that she’s still causing trouble in Will Smith’s life, Jada Pinkett Smith is a name we’d expect to see on this list. If you’re more famous for affecting a well-known actor’s life than for your own acting career, it pretty much says it all.
7. Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart became famous for her role in Twilight, which is when she started rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. Although she’s landed some great roles since then, her reputation hasn’t fully recovered, and we understand why fans have placed her in the top ten.
6. Shia LeBeouf
Although Shia LaBeouf is not without talent, he’s more often in the headlines for his strange and eccentric behavior than his acting roles. Many people feel that he tends to take things too far, which can be quite irritating to others.
5. Charlie Sheen
Once a fan favorite, Sheen’s career was ruined by his reckless personal behavior, which overshadowed his acting. It was further damaged when it came to light that he knowingly put many people’s health at risk with his actions.
4. Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow is one of those names we expected to see on this list. While she has had notable roles, they were never strong enough to make up for her entitled behavior, which is the main reason many fans find her annoying.
3. Tom Cruise
We’re a bit surprised that Cruise made it into the top three. While we can see why some fans are annoyed by his behavior, he hasn’t done enough to deserve such a high spot—though the Scientology issue certainly adds to his place on this list.
2. Woody Allen
Although Allen hasn’t been a major figure in acting for years, his personal life and past actions are the reasons he’s on this list. Given his full story, it’s easy to understand why fans are so annoyed.
1. Amber Heard
This one isn’t surprising, is it? Amber Heard never really made it big with her acting, and when she tried to gain attention through her personal life, it backfired. She also ended up causing problems for another well-known but controversial star.
Have something to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!