Fans Vote on Top 10 Funniest Characters in the MCU


The MCU does involve a lot of humor, sometimes unintentionally, but by now you’re aware that there are some comedy gold moments in pretty much most MCU projects, instigated by the same characters.

Fans gathered on Ranker to determine who is the funniest character in the MCU from all movies and shows involved, the top 3 might not surprise you, but everything in between will.

10. Loki

Loki is one of those characters that is unintentionally funny sometimes, his “advanced” wit is lost on other characters, but the funniest bits of his character are his otherworldly machinations. He is also one of the rare characters in the MCU that is involved in both the funniest moments and the most heartbreaking moments. His superpower at this point is sarcasm and malice, so we have that in common.

9. Spider-Man

I gotta say I was surprised that Spidey made it to this list, but then again I’m most likely not a targeted demographic for his jokes. In the MCU, Spider-Man’s humor often consists of quips during fights and innocent bewilderment. However, his jokes typically fall flat with his audience, as they’re either too sincere or aimed at villains.

8. Luis (Ant-Man Franchise)

“I wish I had a suit. Even with, like, minimal powers. Or even just a suit. With no powers.”

Luis’ humor mostly revolves around really long unnecessary detailed summaries and explanations that ultimately, when he is done, don’t make a shred of common sense. I guess Luis made it this high because we all have at least one person in our friends’ group who acts like this so his humor is mostly extremely relatable.

7. Korg

Korg possesses a laid-back and easygoing demeanor, often delivering deadpan humor in unexpected situations, he’s mostly not aware of it as well. His good nature is what makes him even more likable.

6. Iron Man

Iron Man is the king of funny nicknames, sarcasm, and self-deprecating humor in the MCU, and I’m honestly surprised that he is not in the top 3 of this list. But generally, he was written to be obnoxious, and not everyone can appreciate a character that is rarely, if ever, serious, even when the situation really calls for it. Who can joke about creating world-ending AI? Stark can.

5. Drax

Every team needs a big dumb brute, you mostly HAVE TO laugh at his jokes due to implicit threats of what happens if you don’t. The funniest twist is certainly the fact that Drax can’t understand metaphors even when his life depends on it. There’s always at least one person to laugh at his jokes, Drax himself.

4. Star-Lord

Star-Lord is a bit of an asshole, and his life-long trauma is often tucked away in the deepest corners of his mind and protected with layers of cocky quips and sarcasm. I guess you need to develop a strong sense of humor as a defensive mechanism when you’re raised by the Ravagers. He’s not funnier than Iron Man, at least in my opinion but the majority has spoken.

3. Thor

Thor is certainly, like Drax, the big-dumb-brute stereotype and most of the reactions he gets are actually: “We’re laughing at you.” Some of his funniest lines are due to him being completely unaccustomed to the human world in general.

Thor: “I need a horse!”
Store Owner: “We don’t have horses. Just dogs, cats, birds.”
Thor: “Then give me one of those large enough to ride.”

2. Ant-Man

Ant-Man’s humor stems from his awkwardness, and he is often unintentionally funny in extremely dangerous situations. The whole intro to the events of ‘Quantumania’ is extremely hilarious and honestly one of the high points of the movie.

Hats and sunglasses? That’s not a disguise, Hank. We look like ourselves at a baseball game.

1. Rocket Racoon

Rocket also uses humor as a defensive mechanism but in a really mean way. He is likely the smartest person in just about any room and he will let you know that he is, while humiliating you.

Well, now I’m standing. Happy? We’re all standing now. Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle.

Who is your pick for the top three? Let us know in the comments below!

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