20 Best Food-Based Superheroes and Villains

Throughout the decades of comic book stories and characters being developed, we’ve seen some really bizarre stuff. Like, characters who turn into an armadillo. Well, if you find that bizarre, how about a character that’s actually an egg? Or a flaming carrot?, Heck, there’s even a Jell-O creature that doesn’t shy away from killing his enemies!
There are countless food-based superheroes and villains that appeared in the comics, and we are here to list the 20 best food-based superheroes and villains in comics, including in Marvel and DC. Some of them are cool, but some are just plain weird, so it’s kind of hard to rank them. Hence, the list is unranked but rather in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
Agent Breadman (Image Comics)
Bread is probably the most common type of food you can think of. Well, there’s this guy called Agent Breadman from the Chew comic book published by Image Comics, who’s made entirely out of bread.
He’s the interim director of the FDA and should genuinely be careful about encountering hungry villains. You know, I wouldn’t recommend him entering a stoner’s house for a property search. If the guy has the munchies… Jokes aside, Chew is a very cool, satyrical, hilarious comic book, and you should definitely read it if you ever get the chance.
Apple & Cinnaman (Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Commercial)
These two guys are as bizarre as they get. They first appeared in a 1992 commercial for new Apple Cinnamon Cheerios and were such a hit among the kids that it stemmed several comic books about their adventures. The story goes that Apple Cinnamon Cheerios are so delicious and sought after the bad guys keep stealing them from kids (talk about a creepy narrative).
Luckily, Apple and Cinnaman are here, looking like Poncho & Torro (millennial reference incoming), with one of them being short and chubby and the other one tall and skinny. They don’t have any superpowers other than gadgets and resources provided to them by General Mills, the manufacturers of Cheerios.
Yup, they are like Batman, saving children’s Cheerios from hungry thieves, witches, etc. I told you, things will get bizarre quite quickly here.
Clunk & Dagnabbit (Marvel Comics)
These guys aren’t really well-known, but they appeared in gag comics created by Marvel, mocking their own characters and situations. Clunk and Dagnabbit are a parody based on Cloak and Dagger, a four-issue limited series published in 1983-1984.
The pair returned for five mini volumes and even had a two-season series from 2018 that happens in the same universe as the MCU, but in New Orleans, far from the main action.
Anyways, Clunk had a cloak that’s a portal to a dimension made entirely of dark chocolate chips, whereas Dagnabbit has the ability to create and throw cookie dough instead of daggers. They belonged to the same gag comic universe as Milk and Cookies (also on this list).
Combo Man (Marvel Comics)
If you ask me, this is one of the weirdest things Marvel has ever been involved in. Combo Man is a character created for commercial purposes when Marvel Comics partnered with Combos, unusual snacks that combined flavors like pretzel and cheese into one. Just like the snacks, Combo Man was also a combination – of Marvel characters.
Combo Man’s name was Rick Wilder, and he ate a Combo in the close proximity of an odd device. He was reading comics at the time, so the device, paired with the Combos, gave him the powers of all the characters he was reading about – Captain America, Cyclops, Spider-Man, Human Torch, etc. He was insanely overpowered – pretty cool, right?
Well, it would be, hadn’t his body appeared as a combo of all those heroes. He had pecs that were half Punisher, half Captain America, Spider-Man’s hands, Cyclops’ vision, the Human Torch’s knees, and Silver Surfer’s thighs. It just looked like a circus, but hey, the snacks were quite delicious, so I’ve heard.
Condiment King (DC Comics)
This dude was just… I don’t know. It was funny but also super weird. He first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series but was then introduced to the comics as well. He literally attacks – with condiments for burgers.
Condiment King always speaks in food-related puns and goes around shooting ketchup and mayonnaise at people. When he gets the dijon mustard out, you better believe things are getting serious. Yet, nobody takes him seriously – ever – and he’s always easily defeated. Probably because he’s usually dressed as a pickle.
Egg Fu (DC Comics)
There are numerous characters that the writers would probably like to forget were ever created, and Egg Fu is certainly near the top of that list. He’s literally a giant sentient egg supervillain, being the living embodiment of every Chinese stereotype of the 60s you could think of.
Egg Fu is a communist Chinese spy who’s sometimes as big as a building and has a long Fu Manchu mustache he uses as whips. He talks in profoundly broken English, and on top of it all – he actually managed to kill Wonder Woman at one point.
More modern comics realized he was a deeply flawed, stereotypical, borderline offensive character, so Egg fu was revised, with no whip mustache or idiotic accents. Instead, he got big mechanical spider legs and a scientific mind used almost exclusively for evil.
Eye-Scream (Marvel Comics)
This guy appeared only once, in a one-shot called Obnoxio the Clown #1 – and if you ask me, that issue would be better off forgotten. So, Eye-Scream is a mutant with the ability to melt down and turn into any form of ice cream you can think of. That includes specials, like cups or banana splits. Yummy, am I right?
Eye-Scream is angry that the X-Men have cooler abilities than him, so he breaks into the Danger Room and tries killing them all. However, Professor X eventually lowers the room’s temperature, making Eye-Scream freeze over. Banana split, anyone?
Flaming Carrot (Flaming Carrot Comics)
Superhero parodies are so common they practically became a genre of their own. Well, that especially goes for Flaming Carrot Comics and their titular hero – Flaming Carrot. It’s a dude that literally has a huge flaming carrot instead of a head. Well, technically, it’s a mask, but still, a bizarre one, to say the least.
Flaming Carrot has no real superpowers but always finds a way to save the world. His enemies, however, are ridiculous, like an army of Adolf Hitler’s boot clones. Yes, the boots were cloned and are now an army trying to take over the world. It’s an insanely funny comic book that had crossovers with many other comics, including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
He’s lucky Michelangelo didn’t eat the carrot.
Galactus (Marvel Comics)
I know you don’t initially think of Galactus when I say ‘food-based’ characters, but the big ol’ Galan had to find his spot on the list. Why? Well, because the entire character is almost solely revolving around eating, devouring, and insatiable, never-ending hunger. The only thing is Galactus doesn’t actually eat food.
He constantly needs to devour entire planets for his power to grow – the more well-fed he is, the more powerful he gets. Galactus is Marvel’s biggest foodie without actually eating food or being a food-based character.
Howard The Duck (Marvel Comics)
Okay, Howard is technically an animal-based character, not food-based, but if you ever had roasted duck prepared on an open flame until the skin is as crispy as heavenly snacks, you’ll get why I chose to include him on the list.
For those who aren’t acquainted with the character, Howard the Duck is a sentient, humanoid duck coming from the planet Duckworld. His adventures are satyrical and often depict deeper social issues, consumerism, capitalism, materialism, etc. Howard wears a suit, smokes cigars, and he even appeared in the MCU on Knowhere, caged by The Collector.
Jell-O Man (Jell-O Gelatin Commercial Comics)
You’d think a guy made of Jell-O would be soft and harmless, right? Well, he is soft and jelly but nowhere near harmless. Jell-O Man first appeared in a commercial for Jell-O Gelatin, along with his jelly pet dog, Wobbly.
The manufacturers conducted an experiment to put a 3D holograph on the Jell-O box, but it turned sour when a jealous robot wanted to sabotage the experiment because everybody loves Jell-O, and he’s a robot who can’t eat it. Well, he tries to steal all of the world’s Jell-O, forcing people to eat off-brand jelly.
But, the 3D Jell-O comes to life in the form of Jell-O Man and uses Jell-O to hunt down and kill the robot. Yup, the metal is destroyed with jelly. Don’t mess with Jell-O Man, or you’ll get jellied. There is no no-kill policy here whatsoever – the guy is soft but ruthless!
Larfleeze (DC Comics)
Larfleeze didn’t start off as a foodie or a food-based character. He was an Orange Lantern who got corrupted and overpowered by the influence of his power ring. Later in Larfleeze’s history, however, his motivations shifted – mostly due to the ongoing collaboration between DC Comics and KFC.
Larfleeze becomes a huge foodie, addicted to KFC Zingers, hoarding mountains upon mountains of them in his lair. Oh, and he’s actually a good baker, you know? He even has a recipe for cookies he developed himself.
Magmeato & Haagen-Dazzler (Marvel Comics, Published Under Star Comics)
Did you know that Alf was adapted into a comic book? And, not just that – the adaptation came from Marvel Comics but was mostly published under the Star Comics label. In the adaptation, we see a whole bunch of Marvel characters being turned into parodies, like Magmeato and Haagen-Dazzler (Magneto and Dazzler).
Magmeato has the awesome ability to control food, mostly meat, whereas Haagen-Dazzler could create huge blocks of ice cream. He once tried trapping Magmeato in a huge bloc of Neapolitan ice cream, but Magmeato used his powers to repel it and free himself and then buried Haagen-Dazzler and other Uncanned X-Melmen under a huge pile of meat.
Matter-Eater Lad (DC Comics)
DC’s Legion of Super-Heroes is, for the most part, a sh*t show – pardon my French. Well, not in the case of Matter-Eater Lad, as he seems to have such a high metabolism he never ever needs to poop. That’s not the weirdest thing about him, though.
You see, Matter-Eater Lad is an alien coming from a planet called Bismoll. There, a weird microbe destroyed all their food supplies, so the Bismolleans developed an innate ability to – eat absolutely anything. And they do it at super high speeds. Like, the guy once escaped a huge grain silo by eating all the grains. No, he didn’t need to poop afterward.
Once, he ate a tunnel through rocks and dirt to escape a prison, and he gobbled those boulders like a bad boy in no time. Some of the scenes of him eating are disturbing, to say the least. There are some weird entries on this list, but this dude takes the cake (or the rock, or the bicycle, or anything) as the weirdest.
Mervyn Pumpkinhead (DC Comics)
Just like Flaming Carrot, Mervyn’s head is replaced with a vegetable. This time, it’s a big ol’ pumpkin. Merv is one of the regular workers in the Sandman’s Dreaming realm, put to work for all eternity. One could see him as food or as the long-lost brother of Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King.
Jokes aside, he’s a cool, interesting character. Interestingly, Mervyn Pumpkinhead appeared just recently in Netflix’s adaptation of The Sandman and was voiced by the legendary Mark Hamill.
Milk And Cheese (Slave Labor Graphics)
I absolutely love Milk and Cheese comics, although they might not be suitable to give to your children as a fun read. The premise is that Milk and Cheese – who are literally milk and cheese – are ‘dairy products gone bad.’ And not like, sour and spoiled, but plain bad. Their only motivation is to drink and hurt people.
The comics are hilarious but sometimes insanely brutal and sadistic. Like, there’s this time where they get hammered with gin, throw razor blades off of a building, and then blame society and the readers for continuing the cycle of violence. It’s hard to say if Milk and Cheese are heroes or villains here. Give this comic a go and decide for yourself. Hint: they’re psychos.
Milk And Cookies (Marvel Comics)
Marvel has their own version of silly dairy and food-based characters with Milk and Cookies. They belong to the same gag comic universe as Clunk and Dagnabbit and actually have similar properties and powers.
Cookies is based on the Thing, with a hard bodily texture. However, he isn’t made of rock but rather cookies. If he gets damaged, Cookies can rebuild instantly – his only weakness is getting soaked in water or milk and getting soggy. When he’s soggy, Cookies gets weak.
Milk, on the other hand, is basically living milk. She’s all white, with white, semi-liquid hair, shooting milk out of her hands and feet, which allows her to fly on milk jets. The two are a superhero tandem who once fought Spider-Ham, but lost miserably.
Powdered Toast Man (Marvel Comics)
Powdered Toast Man first appeared in an episode of Ren and Stimpy but later appeared in Ren and Stimpy #6, published by Marvel Comics. He even fought Spider-Man once, throwing croutons at him. Actually, he shoots them while doing armpit farts. But, the croutons were corrosive, so you better not underestimate the power of the Powdered Toast Man.
He can also shoot projectile raisins from his mouth, and he always flies backward. He’s mostly a hero, though, albeit a very stupid one. One time, he tries saving a kitten from a car by tossing it away from the street, only to toss it onto another street, where there are even more cars. He’s legendary and hilarious, although the jokes are quite silly and childish.
The Blob (Marvel Comics)
If you ask me, this is the most hideous, horrifying character on this entire list. We’ve seen the X-Men villain, the Blob, appear in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) as the big fat guy boxing against Wolverine. That’s nothing, however, compared to his portrayal in the comics. His ‘superpower’ is simply that he’s ginormously, massively, astonishingly obese.
The dude eats, and eats, and eats all the time and is so obese that he doesn’t even choose anymore. He eats everything. He once killed The Wasp – you guessed it – by eating her. However, in most of his fights, he’s too inert to move, so he throws himself onto his enemy and just sits there, holding them incapacitated.
Tony Chu (Image Comics)
Remember Agent Breadman from this list? Well, Tony Chu is the lead character of the same comic, Chew, published by Image Comics. The premise of the comics is a dystopian future world that changed after poultry was banned due to a huge bird flu outbreak.
Tony is a Food and Drug Administration agent that solves food-related crimes with his unique abilities. You see, Chu is a cibopath, meaning he can get information about certain foods just by eating them. For fruits and veggies, he’ll learn when they grew, where they grew, how long they grew, and how they were ‘killed.’
For animals, he sees how they lived and died. The ability actually comes into Tony’s way of enjoying life because he can’t eat anything without those crazy visions. The only food not giving him visions, for some reason, is beets, so he eats a lot – and I mean, a lot – of beets.
The worst part is that to do his job, he’s sometimes forced to eat dead people to learn what happened to them. He can also absorb their abilities if they have any after he eats them.
Throughout the comics, there are numerous other characters with food-related powers, like a Barista who can mind control people by leaving messages in their latte foam. Chu’s girlfriend has the ability to write down and describe food flavors so incredibly well you can actually taste them when you read them. It’s a fun comic series – a bit sick sometimes – but worth a read!