Freddie Prinze Jr. Reveals Shocking Twist: Ray & Julie Won’t Lead in ‘I Know’ Legacy Sequel!


The iconic ’90s slasher franchise ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ is set to make a comeback on July 18, 2025. Fans will be thrilled to see Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr. reprise their roles as Julie James and Ray Bronson from the original film and its sequel. However, the focus of the new movie won’t be on Julie and Ray, as they’ll serve more as legacy characters supporting a fresh cast of faces.

In an interview with the Scale Talk Podcast with David Miniatures, Freddie Prinze Jr. shared details about the new direction of the franchise. “[Director Jennifer Kaytin Robinson] just took such good care of Love’s character, Julie James, and my character, Ray Bronson,” Prinze Jr. said. “They’re not the leads of the movie by any stretch of the imagination.’ That wouldn’t make sense—especially considering where their stories left off. It’s a new generation’s turn, and Robinson has seamlessly woven us into their story.”

Prinze Jr. also praised the film’s script, adding, “[Kaytin Robinson] made them such a powerful pushing forward of the other cast. It’s not like, ‘Oh, here’s the Ray and Julie movie that we deserve.’ That doesn’t even make sense. That guy’s dead. So it has to be new generation. And the way she sort of laces us in there with them is just beautifully done. The script is wonderfully written.”

The fresh faces joining the franchise include Billy Campbell, Chase Sui Wonders, Madelyn Cline, Sarah Pidgeon, Tyriq Withers, Jonah Hauer-King, Lola Tung, Nicholas Alexander Chavez, Austin Nichols, and Gabbriette. Together, they’ll carry the torch of terror while Julie and Ray provide a meaningful connection to the original films.

The first I Know What You Did Last Summer debuted in 1997, directed by Jim Gillespie and written by Kevin Williamson, the mastermind behind Scream. It was based on Lois Duncan’s novel and became a defining film of the late ’90s slasher resurgence.

The movie spawned two sequels: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer in 1998 and I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer in 2006. However, Hewitt and Prinze Jr. only appeared in the first sequel, making their return in this 2025 installment their first in 27 years.

With a mix of returning legacy stars and a new generation of talent, I Know What You Did Last Summer aims to honor its roots while creating something fresh and exciting for fans of the franchise.

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7 months ago

Hes a bit of a lunatic hard to trust much of what he says

Capt Phil
Capt Phil
7 months ago

Mans got issues
I mean really, serious issues

There are people who can help him with that though when you got his problems. It’s best to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot rather than open it and remove all doubt

7 months ago

TJ Miller is a joke now. Why anyone would ask his opinion anymore and expect a rational response is beyond me.

7 months ago

Sounds to me like sour grapes and jealousy. I mean, if Ryan was as bad as he says why make 2 movies with him?

7 months ago

Funny… Like anyone can trust me that buffoon says

7 months ago

Seems like the only person crying is TJ Miller and he should probably give it a rest if he wants to salvage of what little is left with his career

Destene Savariau
Destene Savariau
7 months ago

This sounds like a dude who is bitter because he got cut from a successful movie franchise for being a creep to women and he’s taking it out on Ryan. Every quote and comment he made felt like he was projecting his own insecurities

7 months ago

Man TJ’s ego is out of control. I think the guy needs serious help, I’m sure the drugs don’t help. He’s become kind of a pariah in the industry, he’s very strange and off-putting. If anything Ryan did him a favor by putting him in the DP movies. But there’s a reason everybody says stuff about TJ that is not flattering, and almost no one has anything bad to say about Ryan Reynolds. TJ shut the F up, get your life together, and try to salvage what’s left of your career before you completely disappear…

No Judgement without Context
No Judgement without Context
7 months ago
Reply to  Bob

I met him at Skankfest last year in Vegas. He is very personable and humble. Also he is a stand up comedian, not a movie star and he sells very well lol. Try harder.

Jacob Gabriel
Jacob Gabriel
7 months ago

Let’s not forget the sexual assault allegations. Or does that not bother you? He’s humble so it’s okay. Do you also associate with abusers? As long as they’re humble right? 😂

Devil's advocate
Devil's advocate
7 months ago
Reply to  Jacob Gabriel

You said it yourself. “allegations”. Innocent until proven guilty

Not Ryan
Not Ryan
6 months ago
Reply to  Bob

Ryan has entered the chat.

7 months ago

Huh that would be crazy if its true

Cameron Blanchard
Cameron Blanchard
7 months ago

I’m so stoned and have been clicking 7 different articles back and forth trying to figure out wtf the truth is. Honestly if the media would stop putting bs like this out there and spread love then we wouldn’t take sides. Everybody be a good person and thsgs all that matters.

7 months ago

You’re definitely a hippie.

Devil's advocate
Devil's advocate
7 months ago
Reply to  Squiggles

Being considerate to others is being a hippie now?

Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson
7 months ago

No idea what went south between Miller and Reynolds or if anything ever really did. But crying about it public, in print, is a bad look for anyone. TJ Miller should just keep quiet, reflect on how good his role was in D1 and D2 and move on. Why do this? Does anyone think this whining will make something better in the future? You got a problem? Speak to Reynolds in private, or not. But not this.

Jacob Gabriel
Jacob Gabriel
7 months ago
Reply to  Steven Johnson

Hearing actors worth millions of dollars whine about bs like this makes me cringe so hard. Sensitive freaks

7 months ago

Sounds like a WHOLE lot of sour grapes here. Miller got his a** fired from Silicon Valley too, and as I recall, that was also everybody else’s fault.

7 months ago

This is old, it’s from back when Deadpool 3 was first cast and he wasn’t part of it. He said he wouldn’t do it again, but he already wasn’t part of it anyway cause of his allegations.

Also, what part of what Ryan said… In character… Was insane? It’s exactly what Deadpool would say to a non-main character, who is there to help move stuff along.

Like when it’s suggested that Wade talks to the creepy guy in the bar, and Weasel says “guy wanted talk to you, real grim reaper type, dunno might further the plot”. It’s the exact same idea, except made sense as Deadpool to break the 4th wall, not quite sure why Weasel did it to. It wasn’t insane.

There was more to this story when first published years back, when he claims Ryan in character really ripped in to him, but he felt like he was insulted TJ Miller, and not his character, so TJ was upset and thought it was weird. Then claims they made friends after the first time he said in an interview about it, and Ryan said it was a misunderstanding.

Now what dragging it out again, cause the new film made a billion, he wasn’t part of it (because of his own actions) and he has to say some shit, because it’s what he’s most famous for outside the allegations.

It’s funny how everyone else seems to have had good interactions with Ryan, will happily do favours for him, and even Snipes who was a total fuck head because he didn’t like not being the only focus of Blade 3 came back to work FOR Ryan.

But yeah, he’s a psycho… Cry baby… Definitely not projection from TJ

7 months ago
Reply to  Mafiacub

Good comment! TJ Miller actually called the podcaster Ryan ‘Cryin Ryan’ and it had nothing to do with Reynolds. Maybe the article’s writer fell asleep listening to the podcast but woke in time to hear TJ say “Cryin’ Ryan” and assumed he was talking about Reynolds.

7 months ago

I believe him.

7 months ago

No no, I broke up with him….I BROKE UP WITH HIM!!!!!…. get a grip Miller. It’s pretty damn clear what’s going on with you. And there’s only one person crying… continually….. about this situation.

7 months ago

Miller’s crying if u ask me.

7 months ago

Someone is a little angry about not being apart of the movie…..

7 months ago

That sounds, feels & taste like jealousy to me. Just because he doesn’t like YOU, doesn’t mean he’s an asshole to everyone else. Im sure your not with him 24hrs a day to witness “cryin ryan”…SMH, jealous.Take your residuals and STFU. Ryan is ignoring you all the way to the bank!!

7 months ago

TJ who?

7 months ago

Sad….holding on to his brief fame by talking trash about successfull people

7 months ago

This coming from a man who pissed on a tree infront of a live audience. Envy really has no limit to this one.

5 months ago
Reply to  Wreck

He what

7 months ago

Cutting him from the movies made it better. He wasn’t funny and I felt like he was just taking up dead space due to budgeting issues. His personality was kind of like if and avocado had sex with an older uglier avocado, except they were also abusive alcoholic avocados and maybe they ran an underground avocado sex smuggling ring and he was the avokido that was supposed to lure other kids in with promises of candy. Nope, no candy here, just ugly ass avocados.

7 months ago

He is creepy and so obviously jealous of Ryan Reynolds. I wouldn’t listen to anything that jack-@$$ has to say

7 months ago

Why this hit piece on Reynolds?

7 months ago

F—ing cry baby. Lol

7 months ago

You want me to believe that T.J did 2 movies with a guy who’s “weird” and he wasn’t a small part of the problem. The amount of people who continued on in those films and came back to the new movie speaks volumes. 🙄 Sounds like he was just hurt from the boot to the @ss.

7 months ago

“TJ the BJ” is what “crying ryan” would call him back to defend his honor.

7 months ago

Ryan personly made a video to a kid with cancer we know and told him sorry he couldn’t visit he wad in Tokyo filming but told the kid ryan Reynolds loves you Deadpool loves you because the kid was an obvious Deadpool fan and he passed away but that moment and video meant alot to him. Ryan is gotta be a good guy to make a personal Facebook video to a kid in pike co, Oh

7 months ago

He called a bomb threat into a train because a girl he was flirting with didn’t like him. He’s lost all credibility.

7 months ago

Sounds like TJ is the one crying about it. The movie was made almost a decade ago

7 months ago

I think this man needs to get through his thick skull at some point that nobody missed him in this movie and the only person that’s been crying since this movie came out is him. This movie didn’t miss a step without him, nobody missed him an the world keeps moving

Michael Buckler
Michael Buckler
7 months ago

Nobody cares what TJ Miller thinks. Whoever approved this article to be written and published needs to be fired because their finger is so far off the pulse.

7 months ago

He is supremely jealous. He will.never hold a major role in anything but his obit. Sounds like he is.crying

7 months ago

Who is he again? Why does he speak against Ryan like that he is essentially the nicest Hollywood actor alive didn’t people say TJ Miller is in a bad place? Still that’s no way to talk about my guy

7 months ago

He has problems

7 months ago

I thought they patched things up after his last histrionic reaction? Did TJ need some more attention that badly?

7 months ago

Never cared for Millers character on the Deadpool movies, I really have never cared for anything I’ve seen him in

7 months ago

Ryan is a crying baby… He keeps bitching about Green Lantern and how bad it was…. Really, how bad was it Ryan??? You did not make millions on it???
Nothing wrong with the movie at all, and no psychotic lunatic running around…

J mack
J mack
7 months ago

He sounded like Trump on his rants about Reynolds..

7 months ago
Reply to  J mack

Sounds like brandon to me

Debby Baker
Debby Baker
7 months ago

I don’t believe that true I wasn’t there but I can’t see Ryan Reynold’s being that type of person and why is this guy the only person saying that ? You would think that other people would have said something like that before now I’m anxious to see if someone will backup his statement we will see ‼️

7 months ago

Hope TJ enjoyed his short career…

7 months ago

Tj Miller sounds like a jealous crybaby.
Reynolds is seemingly excelling in all aspects if hus life and Miller is not working and is fighting sexual assault allegations.
He should shut up and fix his life.

Ron gustafson
Ron gustafson
7 months ago

Unfortunately, you’ll be labeled like you alwaysnhave.been…someone who gets “butt-hurt” when you don’t get something you want. While you would like the truth to be, “I wasn’t invited back because Ryan hates me.” Unfortunatlely the real truth is that you started all our whining and crying because your part was cut out. It’s interesting to note that all your whining & crying started after you found out you weren’t invited back. Nice try to change the narrative, but it hasn’t worked to well for ya has it Tig?

7 months ago

Tbh, watched the Deadpool Wolverine movie in the theater with my son and bestie for my b-day… didn’t even notice TJ wasn’t there 😅 It wasn’t until this article that I even thought about that fact

7 months ago

I am not even sure this is worth reporting on, even if it were true. I mean, it looks like Ryan may have said hurtful things when they were insulting each other in the fourth wall breaking movie whilst playing two characters constantly insulting each other. A beef that was already worked out and set straight before, and was dumb to begin with.

And claim two; Ryan Reynolds is hiding insecurity. Yeah? Like, you would have to be a completely arrogant Untitled asshole otherwise. People at the top are not allowed to hide fear of failure now? That is just being human…

I see no misdeeds here… Unlike what TJ is apparently accused of? What am I supposed to do here? Cancel Ryan Reynolds because he isn’t 100% confident and made a former bad friend feel insulted?

7 months ago

I don’t believe any of that happened for a moment. Miller has a tendency to make shit up so he doesn’t look bad.