10 Greatest Superheroes & Villains with Eyepatches

Eyepatches are not a look that everyone can pull off, except if you’re a superpowered character. There is a certain mystique and intrigue that surrounds superheroes with eyepatches, as it suggests a past filled with danger and sacrifice. And this is exactly what we’re going to present you with today, as we managed to gather the ten greatest superheroes and villains with eyepatches of all time from both Marvel and DC comics.
1. Matthew Callahan (Threshold)
Matthew Callahan was the son of Stephen Callahan, a member of notorious Team 7 that got exposed to Gen-Factor, which endowed all members of the team with superhuman powers. International Operations decided that the children of the members of now-superpowered Team 7 probably inherited their superpowers as well, and since Team 7 turned out to be a bunch of renegades hard to control, their children should be more subservient if they could just get their hands on them and “raise ’em right.”
Naturally, most former members of Team 7 went into hiding with their families, and Stepeh Callahan was no exception. He brought his wife and children when he went on a run, but International Agency caught up with them and captured them.
I.O. raised Matthew and his sister. During one of the experiments that I.O. performed upon Matthew, his eye exploded. He wore a red plastic or metal patch over his eye, refusing to have a bionic replacement. He eventually turned into a psychopath.
2. Gabriel the Devil Hunter
Gabriel, the Devil Hunter, has a tragic past that resulted in both him losing his eyes and gaining his iconic moniker. Gabriel was quite the dedicated scholar devoted to god and on his way to becoming a priest. One day out of the blue, he returned home only to discover his wife dead.
What’s worse, his wife’s body was severely mutilated, and all evidence pointed in the direction that she did it to herself while possessed by a demon. Gabriel eventually discovered a whole world of evil forces around him, and during one incident when a witch possessed him, he tore his eye out, and this is the story of how he gained that eye patch as well as his new profession.
3. Jinny Hex
No, we’re not talking about a member of the Young Justice and the famous gunslinger; we’re talking about her evil counterpart from Earth-3. Earth-3 Jinny Hex spends her time running and causing trouble with Amaxon Thunder’s crime crew, which is an evil equivalent of Young Justice. Both Jinnies have identical abilities, except Earth-3 Jinny Hex has one distinctive feature, she is missing an eye which she skillfully covers with an eyepatch.
4. Rose Wilson (Ravager)
Rose Wilson is the daughter of Slade Wilson and Sweet Lili. Rose Wilson was almost grown when she found out that the famous mercenary was her father. She attempted to reconnect with her father, but he refused due to his fear for her safety. Rose was left in the care of the Titans, and during a training exercise, she discovered her precognitive powers when she had a vision of Deathstroke’s future.
She eventually left the Titans and later took on the role of caring for Lian Harper, the daughter of Arsenal. For some time, she served as her father’s apprentice before, but their relationship got more complicated as the years passed by. Like her father, Rose wears a black-and-red mask with a black part covering her eye completely like an eyepatch.
5. William Storm (Captain Storm)
Captain William Storm is a notable captain of the World War II unit called “Losers.” The team got its strange name because they were usually tasked with the most bizarre of assignments and were famously followed by bad luck everywhere they went. During their last assignment, the whole team was eaten by dinosaurs, and unfortunately, Captain Storm never realized that the war had ended.
However, one of the most notable Captain Storm features is his eye patch. You will be happy to learn that he lost one of his eyes when he was performing a heroic deed- he attempted to save people from the building when the building exploded.
6. Manhunter Lud
Manhunter Lud was part of the organization that predated Green Lanterns and basically did the exact same job, only they went rogue and caused quite a lot of trouble for Guardians of the Universe.
One of the most notable Manhunters was Manhunter Lud, but he wasn’t Manhunter for long as he turned rogue from that organization as well as went to join Robot Renegades to liberate them from enslavements caused by biological life (humans).
He wore an eye patch because he was hiding the mark of his true master – The Nameless.
7. Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)
We’ve mentioned the daughter; now it’s time to revisit the father. Slade Wilson is one of the most popular mercenaries in comics in general. He is a highly skilled mercenary and assassin that has been, over the ages, portrayed as both hero and a villain. He was part of numerous superhero teams over the course of his long existence, and he managed to cause trouble for all of them.
Like his daughter, Slade Wilson covers one of his eyes with a black and red mask or wears a simple black eye patch. You will not be shocked at all to find out that he lost his eye when his ex-wife shot him and blinded him.
8. Callisto
Callisto is a less-known mutant, but one with a tragic origin. Callisto was born as a stunning young lady, but when he powers manifested, she was blinded in her right eye and left horribly disfigured. Feeling worthless, unloved, and abandoned, Callisto made the tunnels underneath Manhattan her home. She eventually banded with a few other mutants and organized a community under the name Morlocks, which was basically made out of mutant outcasts.
9. Odin Borson
Odin is one of the most iconic Marvel characters. He is the father of Thor, the God of Thunder, and holds the title of one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe. Odin is easily recognizable by the fact that he is missing one eye. He usually wears a black or golden eyepatch, but are you aware of how Odin lost his eye?
When Odin’s father, Bor, died, Cul proclaimed himself the All-Father and the king of Asgard. This greatly angered Odin, and he decided to go to Yggdrasill and stab his eye in order to gain wisdom. The Tree of Life revealed to him (now that he was wise) that Cul needed to be dethroned due to his corruption and potential to be a great danger to humanity.
10. Nick Fury
We left the best for last, and you’ve probably expected Nick Fury to appear on this list, especially since his popularity skyrocketed in the last few years. Yes, Nick Fury is one of the greatest heroes with an eye patch. The manner in which he lost his eye differs in the comics and in the MCU, and well, it’s far more valiant in the comics.
In the comics, Nick Fury lost his eye to a Nazi grenade blast. In the MCU, a cat, Goose, scratched his eye, and the wound eventually turned bad. Nevertheless, if anybody can rock an eyepatch, it’s Nick Fury.