How Fast Is Doctor Strange? Compared to Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Thor, & Dormammu


We know that Stephen Strange, aka Doctor Strange, is among the most famous and most powerful magic users in the Marvel Universe. He is the master of the mystic arts, and his spellcasting knows no bounds as he is capable of producing virtually any effect imaginable with them. He can utilize both divine magic and black magic to empower himself to nearly impossible limits, but what about his physical aspects, more specifically, his speed? We do know that Dr. Strange can teleport and open portals, but his traveling speed is rarely explored. This is why we decided to analyze Doctor Strange’s speed and compare it with other fast characters from Marvel Universe.

Doctor Strange is as fast as the speed of thought, which puts him among the fastest characters in the Marvel Universe. This is, of course, in the astral projection form that allows him to transcend the limits of space, gravity, and physical laws. When it comes to his physical speed, Doctor Strange is not that fast and doesn’t have access to superhuman speed.

Now that we’ve covered how fast Doctor Strange is, and you are both shocked and not at the same time, it’s time to explore it in a bit more detail. We’re going to explore the role magic has in Stephen’s speed, so if you’re interested in more, stay with us and keep reading!

Doctor Strange is impossibly fast while using magic

We know that Doctor Strange if you take the magic away, is a mere human and doesn’t have any superhuman qualities to him. Meaning he doesn’t have access to enhanced and advanced physiology that is needed to support superhuman speeds, but he does have magic that can provide him with a variety of effects, even immortality, and incredible speeds.

If we look at Strange’s physical speed, he is rank 2, meaning that he has normal human speed, but with magic, a whole other world is opened up for him.

By utilizing magical energies, Doctor Strange can teleport, open portals, use dimensional travel, slow time, or speed it up. These are all spells that significantly affect his movement speed and his ability to traverse long distances, not only on this plane but between dimensions as well, but nothing is as fast as his Astral Form.


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In his Astral Form, Doctor Strange can move as fast as the speed of thought because he is unrestricted by physical laws. He can also fly beyond Earth’s atmosphere and defy gravity at will. The correct description of his speed is “he can fly at any speed he desires,” meaning that he is among the fastest characters in Marvel Comics. He can travel impossible distances in a few brief seconds. While flying in outer space, Dr. Strange can easily reach the speed of light.

Doctor Strange can also make himself faster when compared to everyone else around him by messing with time. He is able to speed himself up while slowing everyone else around him down.

Now that we’ve covered this surprising aspect of Strange’s powers, it’s time to compare him to other fast Marvel characters as well as some that aren’t especially fast but are magicians.

Is Doctor Strange faster than Quicksilver?

Quicksilver is a mutant who was gifted with speed physiology, meaning that his body is perfectly suited to accommodate mind-blowing speed. He is among the most notable speedsters in Marvel Comics, even though he is far from being the fastest character. But how does he compare to Doctor Strange?

Quicksilver can reach speeds up to Mach 5. He was capable of running from Tibet to Indonesia in a few seconds. If we compare Strange’s physical speed, he loses as he is far slower than Quicksilver.

However, Stranger’s speed of thought beats Mach 5 any day, meaning that Doctor Strange is several times faster than Quicksilver in his Astral Form.

How fast is Doctor Strange when compared to Scarlet Witch?

Scarlet Witch Origin

Scarlet Witch is on this list because she is a notable magic user, just like Strange is, and this is why it’s always interesting to compare their stats. We know that, like Strange, Scarlet Witch can teleport, fly, and open portals. She can also access dimensional travel and even astrally projects.

However, unlike Strange, we don’t know at what speed Wanda’s astral form can move. When it comes to physical speed, both Wanda and Strange are equally fast as both can move at human speeds, but when it comes to astral forms, Strange is likely faster.

Is Doctor Strange faster than the God of Thunder?

Thor is an incredibly physically capable character and also has access to mind-blowing Asgardian magic, meaning that he is fast both when it comes to his physiology and when it comes to relying on magical artifacts. Thor can run at speeds of up to 224,000 miles per hour, meaning that his speed is vastly superior to that of Doctor Strange.

Thor does have a version of Astral Form, but it’s unknown what speed he can reach with it. However, while flying with Mjolnir, Thor can reach Mach32 speeds which is 87,738,945 miles per hour, and the fastest he moved was three times the speed of light, meaning that he is likely faster than Strange no matter how you look at it.

How fast is Doctor Strange when compared to Dormammu?

Dormammu is among the greatest Strange’s villains, even though he occasionally draws his powers from this Lord of the Dark Dimension. We know that Dormammu can be composed of pure energy and rarely relies on his physical form, but when he does, he can move at speeds that surpass the speed of light, meaning that Dormammu is faster than Strange physically.


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When it comes to astral form, Dormammu is omnipotent while inside Dark Dimension, meaning that his astral form doesn’t have any limits whatsoever, and he can most likely beat Strange’s speeds.

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