How Master Sol in ‘The Acolyte’ Repeated The Last Jedi’s Most Hated & Controversial Mistake

Episode 7 of ‘The Acolyte’ landed this week and it was a retelling of Episode 3 from the point of view of the Jedi. We learned that the Jedi were on Brendok for a specific reason, they were looking for the so-called Force Vergence – a space where the Force is strong and flows freely, allowing it to be manipulated or used by Force users who connect with it.
During the ordeal, we find out that Master Sol was far more involved in the extinction of the coven than we initially believed, and that he played a huge part in the fact that Mae turned to the dark side and decided to enact her vengeance on the 4 Jedi that were stationed at the planet that night.
You see, when Master Sol saw the two girls playing in the forest on Brendok, something extremely uncharacteristic for a Jedi took place. He formed an almost immediate attachment to young Osha. He believed that the Force was telling him took take her own as a Padawan, despite Master Indarra earlier pointing out that there was a good reason why he didn’t have a Padawan and she did.
Since that moment he felt a connection with Osha, a series of grave errors took place. Master Sol acted irrationally and impulsively, which resulted in the death of Mother Aniseya. Master Sol believed that Aniseya would hurt Osha, and he killed her when she used a new Force Power that essentially allowed her to turn ethereal and disappear in a cloud of black smoke.
The girl he was trying to protect however wasn’t Osha, it was Mae, and she witnessed the whole thing, which made it easier to turn her to the Dark Side. Young Mae already manifested some sociopathic traits in the earlier episodes. She was also extremely gullible and often used coercion to make her sister agree with her.
Mae would also rather see Osha burn than see her go with the Jedi, so you can imagine how Mae felt when she saw her fears related to the Jedi order come true when she watched Master Sol killing her mother.
This was a highly controversial moment in the show, and something that reminded us of one more Jedi that acted impulsively and recklessly which resulted in a force user going dark side – Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo as he was known prior to abandoning his old life.
It’s been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the exact same thing happened with Luke and Ben. Luke sensed darkness within Ben and acted impulsively and recklessly. Instead of trying to help Ben overcome that darkness, he opted for an easy way out and briefly considered killing his nephew.
Unfortunately, the fact that Luke seemingly changed his mind did little to soothe Ben. He eventually joined Snoke and The First Order, his fascination with his grandfather only growing.
We will never know what would have happened if Luke instead decided to mentor Ben to embrace and conquer his darkness, but we can speculate that this choice would ultimately lead to far less damage than what we’ve seen.
The same can be said for Master Sol. Perhaps if he did not meddle in the affairs of Witches of Brendok, Osha and Mae would eventually find their own paths.
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