How Would the MCU’s Newest Hero, Sentry, Stack Up Against the Original Avengers?


The release of ‘Thunderbolts*’ will mark several important things in the MCU. First, the movie will introduce a new team to the MCU, Thunderbolts which can be compared to DC’s Suicide Squad.

Second, it’s going to introduce the most powerful superhero to date, Sentry to the already impressive lineup.

Sentry is in the comics, to be fair, overpowered, taking into account that he hasn’t even peaked yet. He has mindblowing powers related to molecular, energy, and reality manipulation, and his physical attributes are overwhelming even for the fastest, most durable, and strongest villains and superheroes in the Marvel universe. And this is without taking into account his Void form.

It’s extremely unlikely that all of Sentry’s abilities will be adapted to the MCU, and in a few moments, you will learn why the character will have to be severely nerfed.

We decided to compare Sentry to the original members of Avengers in the MCU (also Scarlet Witch and Thanos since they are always a popular demand), to show you just why Sentry’s comic-accurate adaption would be completely no-go on-screen.

1. Sentry wipes out Iron Man quickly

Tony didn’t have superpowers, but he had overwhelmingly powerful tech and superhuman willpower. This has proved enough for him to counter some of the most powerful threats to mankind, unfortunately, this wouldn’t stack up so well against Sentry.

Sentry can manipulate stuff on a molecular level, meaning he would be able to reduce Iron Man’s suit and tech (including Iron Man) to pretty much anything imaginable from ant to a piece of paper. Sentry can also manifest various constructs with his mind alone, even sentient beings. He can also use biokinesis.

The bad news is that the extent of Sentry’s molecular manipulation is unknown, the good news is that he controls all of the aforementioned abilities poorly, which can ultimately present itself as something that Avengers could abuse, or through the fact that Sentry can wipe out the entire planet through flicks of his wrist.

In any case, there’s no way for Iron Man to counter that.

2 Captain America doesn’t stand a chance

Sentry is like Stever Rogers, a product of super-soldier serum. The twist is that Sentry’s Super-Soldier Serum was magnified a hundred thousand times over, and gave Sentry the power of a million exploding suns.

Rogers is an enhanced human meaning that his physical attributes are slightly better compared to top human athletes. Sentry on the other hand has 100+ tons of lifting strength, speed that surpasses lightspeed many times over, and he literally cannot be disposed of.

To win this matchup, Sentry doesn’t even have to utilize his other abilities he can win it purely physically.

3. Thor would be a tough nut to crack

Thor is the most powerful original Avenger member by far, and due to his vastly enhanced physical abilities and a plethora of magical powers, he would really be the only threat to Sentry, although Sentry would still prove to be victorious.

Besides molecular manipulation, Sentry has vast energy manipulation abilities. He can manipulate darkness, and light and has impressive energy blasts and psionic abilities to boot. It might take a while longer but Sentry would eventually triumph over the God of Thunder.

4. Hulk is not as much of a threat as you would imagine

Hulk might be the physically strongest Avengers, but the current Professor Hulk in the MCU really didn’t manifest all that awesome and raw strength. In any case, Sentry’s strength easily rivals that of MCU’s Hulk.

In the comics, Sentry was strong enough to rip apart Carnage and Ares, and while in his Void form, Sentry was strong enough to break Hulk’s limbs.

In the MCU, it’s not even a question of who would win it’s more like how long would it take Sentry to break Professor Hulk completely.

5. Black Widow dies

Just like Steve Rogers, Black Widow doesn’t have much going for her except for plot armor. There’s really not much to comment on here. Sentry overpowers Black Widow a thousand times over in pretty much every imaginable aspect.

6. Hawkeye dies

Just like it’s the case with Captain America and Black Widow, Hawkeye also holds nonexistent chances of facing Sentry and living to tell the tale. Hawkeye perhaps has a slight advantage due to the fact that he doesn’t have to face Sentry directly to fight him, and perhaps armed with anti-matter arrows he would be able to slow down Sentry a bit.

However, as soon as Sentry gets closer, or rather notices Hawkeye even in distance, it’s pretty much game over.

7. Scarlet Witch as a glass canon, doesn’t stand a chance

Yes yes, we all know about the House of M. But this is MCU Wanda and unfortunately, no amount of reality-bending would save her from Sentry. Sentry’s powers are speculated to cause a phase-shift in his molecules, making him partially out of sync with normal reality. This serum triggers a photosynthetic reaction, putting him in a heightened state of consciousness. His powers appear to involve reality-warping.

Besides vastly overpowering Wanda in the physical sense, Sentry would also be able to counter her reality-manipulation powers, if he was even affected by them. Sentry wins.

8. Thanos stands a chance only with Infinity Gauntlet

Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet is absolutely cooked since the MCU version of the character is far weaker than the comic counterpart. Thanos has nothing to counter Sentry’s awesome abilities, but Infinity Stones might change that.

Since Infinity Stones are greater than reality itself, it’s doubtful that Sentry would be able to resist their effects.

Why is MCU introducing Sentry now?

Well, this is likely due to the nature of Sentry’s character and the fact that he is, as I’ve mentioned on several occasions, extremely overpowered. ‘Infinity War’ wouldn’t happen if Sentry was present in the MCU at the time, since it’s hard to imagine (if his powers are comic-accurate) that anything can stand in his way, and as I’ve mentioned Thanos without the full gauntlet is rather weak.

Introducing Sentry now means that the MCU is planning to introduce a threat far more powerful than Thanos and Infinity Stones ever were, although it’s likely that he will be significantly nerfed since realistically only cosmic-level villains like Galactus pose a threat to him.

Since Galactus is coming to the MCU, alongside Doctor Doom and potentially Knull, it’s likely that Sentry really had no one to fight in the previous Sagas due to his power level and he would be wasted on smaller or street-level villains.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

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