Hugh Jackman Tells Fan to Delete “Creepy Comment,” Sparks Reactions from Others

Previously, we reported on Jackman detailing his workout routine in an audio clip attached to a tweet, which also featured a photo of his muscular physique. You might recall that post.
However, the tweet sparked a wave of fan reactions, and one fan seemed to take her excitement a bit too far. Even Jackman found her comment to be over the line, leading to a new debate about the boundaries of social media interactions.
Editor’s note: Readers should be aware that the tweets in question have since been debunked, as indicated by the community notes attached. However, this only complicates matters further.
In case you need a reminder, here is the tweet in question:
The photo itself is quite ordinary, but it’s easy to see how some fans could get a bit overly enthusiastic. One fan replied with a comment that made it clear she really (and I mean, really) likes Hugh Jackman. And that’s when things took an interesting turn:
This exchange highlighted what a genuinely great person Hugh Jackman is, responding with the grace and tact you’d expect from a true gentleman and a star who is mindful of his public image and genuinely cares about his fans. While many praised Jackman for his reaction, some fans chose to criticize the girl for her response to his message and for sharing everything online, interpreting her actions in a different light.
We don’t believe there was any malice in her actions; it seems she simply wanted to express her excitement and highlight how great Jackman is. We wouldn’t take it as seriously as some fans have, even if it was partly for attention.
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