Idris Elba As Deadshot? DC and Warner Bros. Please Say It’s So

Nothing in life is a certainty. At any given time there are forces in play that could curtail events with a 99.99% chance of success. Due to this, gamblers will tell you that there’s never such thing as a sure thing. Now, let me contradict myself. If rumors are to be believed, The Suicide Squad has found its next sure thing.
After Will Smith said that he would not be coming back in James Gunn’s sequel, Gunn immediately set out to replace the actor. Rumors have surfaced that Heimdall himself is set to jump ship from Marvel to DC and become Deadshot. That’s right, Idris Elba is the front runner in the Will Smith/Deadshot replacement hunt.
The news should come as no surprise. Many comic book actors choose to jump around between the two studios. Just look at Zachary Levi. He once played Elba’s co-star Frandrall in the Thor movies and now is suiting up as DC’s Shazam. Idris Elba has quickly become one of Hollywood’s most respected and sought after actors. He’s in such demand that he has even been linked to James Bond.
Bond. James Bond.
If there is an actor on the planet not named Will Smith who can make their audience feels sympathy for an assassin for hire, it’s Elba. And why? Because he and Deadshot make sense.
The Suicide Squad
The Suicide Squad is said to be an entirely new take on the DC property. In fact, thus far the only returning actor from the original is Margot Robbie, who did a fantastic job as Harley Quinn. No Rick Flag, Diablo, or Captain Boomerang. No Killer Croc, Katana, or Enchantress. And no Joker, or Slipknot.
The inclusion of Idris Elba, if true, will only help a franchise in need of help. The first Suicide Squad, while met with commercial success, was a critical disaster. Remember, the movie was choppy, the audience never had a chance to actually care about the characters, and it tried but failed to replicate the success of Guardians of the Galaxy. Elba’s inclusion will go a long way to showing the world that DC and Warner Bros. are looking to fix the mistakes they made in the first outing.