Juggernaut Just Defied His Own God—Becomes More Powerful Than Ever!


In Amazing Spider-Man #68.Deaths, something big happens with Juggernaut. The X-Men are in trouble because they have all been taken over by a powerful force called the Blight. Even Spider-Man has been defeated by a Blight-controlled villain named Callix. But there is one hero who isn’t affected—Cain Marko, also known as the Juggernaut.

Juggernaut’s power comes from a god-like being called Cyttorak. In this issue, we learn that Cyttorak’s power makes him completely immune to the Blight. No matter what happens, the Blight can’t take control of him.

Even more shocking, not even Cyttorak himself can take Juggernaut’s power away. This means that Juggernaut might now be even stronger than the god who gave him his power in the first place.


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This is important because it shows that Juggernaut is one of the strongest characters in Marvel comics right now. If not even a god can stop him, then who can?

It also means he might be the only hope for saving the X-Men and stopping the Blight. This could change how Juggernaut is seen in the Marvel Universe going forward.

Amazing Spider-Man #68.Deaths is written by Christos Gage with art by Mark Buckingham, colors by Mattia Iacono, and letters by VC’s Joe Caramagna. The main cover is by Mark Buckingham & Richard Isanove, while the variant cover is by Federico Vicentini & Richard Isanove.

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