Lisseth Chavez Teaseas a “Dark” Episode in Season 7 of ‘The Rookie’

Whatever you might think of the show, The Rookie has been going strong and with seven seasons as of the time of writing, it is one of the most popular and enduring shows of its era. In a time when shows get axed after one season and even major shows rarely surpass the five-season mark, seeing The Rookie doing so well is refreshing.
Recently, one of the show’s stars, Lisseth Chavez, talked to the press and she announced that we’re in for a very thrilling episode in Season 7, an episode that is going to be relatively different from what we’re used to seeing in the show.
Chavez debuted as Celina Juarez in Season 5 and has been a series regular since Season 6. She was accepted by the fans and is now one of the show’s main characters, which explains her popularity. Recently, she was asked whether there was a Season 7 episode she especially liked, and here is what she said:
There is, but it’s a little bit on the darker side. I am excited. I’m excited to see how everything got put together. I don’t know what I can say. I don’t even remember the episode number. But I am excited for a specific episode. It is a little bit more on the darker side.
A darker episode will certainly bring something to the series, as it is going to be a welcome change to the series’ standard tone. As for which episode it is, we don’t know, but as of the time of writing, ten episodes of the season have aired, and we know the season should have 18 episodes in total.
This, at least, narrows it down a bit.
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