Marvel Studios Reportedly Aims to Unite Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in the MCU

MCU’s Multiversal Saga so far has seen the rise of many variants and by extension the rise of fan service. Some cases of legacy characters returning haven’t seen great feedback, as was the case with ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ but some, like ‘No Way Home’ and ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ were highly successful and the box office reflected that.
Now both Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine now exist in the MCU as a part of the universe’s canon, which means they might potentially return in the future.
Fans are constantly asking questions whether they can expect more from the characters although the MCU is crowded as is at this point. During the September Discord AMA Cosmic Circus’ Alex Perez, a notable industry insider also addressed the possibility of both Maguire and Jackman returning and potentially even collaborating.
Plenty of fans are expecting ‘Secret Wars’ to be some kind of Multiversal mashup of pretty much every Marvel and non-MCU character in existence, and Perez addressed that:
Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is probably going to be every Marvel fan’s fantasy going into Secret Wars and I know that they’re doing everything in their power to make this interaction and more legacy character interactions a reality, but it has to be something meaningful like it was when we saw the Resistance in Deadpool and Wolverine, not just some throwaway sequence that’s meant to be a one and done.
Cosmic Cirus September Discord AMA
And throwaway sequences are exactly why MoM is not remembered fondly as ‘No Way Home’ and ‘Deadpool & Wolverine.’ ‘Secret Wars’ at this point has close to a hundred rumored characters, and whether they truly do make it all into the movie, it doesn’t seem like some meaningful interactions could take place on-screen.
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