Marvel Thor vs. God of War Thor: Which God of Thunder Would Win in a Fight?

We know that there are a lot of popular versions of the Norse god of lightning called Thor because he is one of the most popular mythological gods of all time. Of course, in the world of fiction, we have two very popular versions of Thor. We are talking about the Marvel version of Thor and the God of War version of Thor. So, if we were to allow these gods of thunder to fight, who between Marvel Thor and God of War Thor would win?
Marvel Thor is going to win in a fight against God of War Thor. That’s because the Marvel version of Thor is nearly at the level of a cosmic entity in terms of how strong he is, especially after becoming the All-Father. Meanwhile, God of War’s Thor may be strong but isn’t even strong beyond imagination.
Unlike the MCU version of Thor, the Marvel Comics version of Thor is incredibly powerful and is strong enough to take on some of the strongest entities in the universe. We haven’t seen that same capability in God of War’s Thor, despite the fact that he is strong enough to defeat Kratos. Now, with that said, let’s look at who between the Marvel and the God of War versions of Thor is stronger.
Thor is one of the strongest characters in the entire Marvel Comics universe, as he can stand up to characters that are equally as strong as he is. He is listed as class 100+ in terms of his strength, and that means that he is capable of lifting objects that are more than 100 tons heavy. In fact, he is one of the few characters that could go toe-to-toe with characters that are capable of leveling entire cities and continents, such as the Hulk and Hercules. There aren’t a lot of Marvel characters stronger than Thor.
The God of War version of Thor is the strongest out of all of the Aesir gods and is a lot stronger than most of the other gods we’ve seen in the franchise. He is one of the few gods capable of actually defeating or overpowering Kratos, who himself is one of the strongest gods in the God of War storyline. But some of his other feats of strength include defeating almost all of the Jötnar or Giants and fighting Jörmungandr, a serpent large enough to wrap the entire realm of Midgard, to a stalemate.
It might be true that Thor is arguably the strongest god other than Kratos in God of War, but the thing about Thor’s strength in Marvel Comics is that he is almost at the level of a cosmic entity, especially after becoming the All-Father.
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The MCU didn’t give justice to Thor’s actual speed in Marvel Comics because Thor is actually pretty fast, thanks to his godly physique and his overall abilities. It is often said that Thor is capable of throwing Mjolnir at speeds that are faster than light, and that allows him to move incredibly fast whenever he is in flight. He is also very fast in battle, as he is able to keep up with characters that are capable of moving at incredibly fast speeds.
Despite being fat and overweight, the God of War version of Thor is very fast and is able to keep up with Kratos, who is able to move just as fast as other gods like Zeus and Hermes. As such, Thor is one of the few powerhouse gods that are capable of matching Kratos’s speed, and it is that fact that allowed him to actually overpower the Ghost of Sparta more than a few times in God of War: Ragnarök.
While it might be true that Thor in God of War is deceptively fast, Thor in Marvel Comics is incredibly fast. In fact, he is capable of flying at speeds that faster than the speed of light. As such, Marvel Thor is much faster than the overweight Thor that we saw in God of War.
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The Marvel version of Thor is one of the most resilient characters we’ve seen in Marvel Comics. He might not have the same kind of invulnerability that the Hulk and Thanos have, but he is capable of surviving attacks from some of the strongest beings in the entire Marvel Comics universe. Thor has been able to take point-blank attacks from Odin and was even able to survive a fight against Knull, who is a primordial god that has been around since before the universe even began. As such, there is no doubt that Thor is incredibly durable.
There are many gods that have been able to fight Kratos on par, but none of them have been able to actually take hits from Kratos and simply shrug them off. God of War’s Thor is one of those characters, as he is able to withstand some of Kratos’s strongest attacks without showing any visible signs of damage. But the most surprising feat of durability on the part of God of War’s Thor is the fact that he was able to survive getting attacked by all of Kratos’s weapons but managed to still live without even getting too hurt.
The fact that God of War Thor could survive taking hits from some of Kratos’s strongest attacks is indeed impressive. But Marvel Comics Thor survived attacks from cosmic entities that are beyond imagination in terms of their power levels.
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Powers and Abilities
Thor in Marvel Comics is the god of thunder, and that means that he has supreme command over thunder and lightning, such that he is capable of blasting bolts of thunder strong enough to kill godlike beings. Thor, of course, also became a lot stronger when he became the All-Father because he was now able to improve his magical capabilities thanks to his connection to the Odinforce. Although he is yet to reach the levels of power that his father had, he is actually getting there.
God of War Thor may be seen as a brute, but he is actually very powerful in terms of his command over the elements. In fact, his command over thunder and lightning is so great that he is capable of summoning an entire storm during his first visit to Kratos’s home. And unlike most of the other versions of Thor in the comics, the Thor in God of War seems to be able to fly at will without having to rely on his hammer.
The fact that Marvel Thor is close to the level of a Skyfather means that his powers are incredible enough to threaten some of the strongest characters in the comics. As such, he is far more powerful than God of War Thor.
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Fighting Skills
Often seen as a brawler, Thor in Marvel Comics is an expert combatant that has been trained in the art of Asgardian combat. In fact, his vast experience as a fighter and his mastery over any weapon make him one of the most dangerous fighters in the entire Marvel Comics. He is incredibly strong and potent when using any kind of weapon, but he is equally dangerous as a hand-to-hand brawler. And thanks to how good of a fighter he is, he was strong enough to take on the likes of Hercules, the Hulk, and Knull.
God of War’s version of Thor is Odin’s muscle in the sense that he is the one he sends out whenever he wants someone dead. Thor, of course, is arguably the strongest combatant out of all of the Aesir gods as he was responsible for killing almost all of the Giants. He is also one of the few characters with fighting abilities that are on par with Kratos’s own combat skills, which were acquired through years of harsh training as a Spartan. In that regard, despite being overweight, Thor is a potent combatant, with or without his weapon.
Even though the Thor we saw in God of War is a strong and capable fighter that could match Kratos in a fight, the thing is that the Marvel version of Thor has fought against some of the strongest beings in the universe and lived to tell the tale.
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Marvel Thor vs. God of War Thor: Who Wins?
At the end of the day, both the Marvel Comics and the God of War versions of Thor are incredibly strong and powerful individuals, especially when compared to all of the other characters in their respective fictional universes. However, Thor’s feats in Marvel Comics outweigh the feats that the God of War version has been able to showcase. That’s why we believe that Marvel Thor is far stronger than God of War Thor.