‘Moon Knight’ Director Teases Marc’s Return: Will We See Him Next in Season 2 or in a ‘Midnight Sons’ Project?

It’s been two and a half years since ‘Moon Knight’ ended on a huge cliffhanger (remember when Harrow met Khonshu in the car, and the god revealed that he still has a human avatar… Jake Lockley – Lockley then shoots Harrow dead, presumably also killing Ammit.) Since then, we haven’t received much news on Marc’s MCU return.
Finally, Mohamed Diab, who directed the first, third, fifth, and sixth episodes of Marvel Studios’ ‘Moon Knight,’ teased Marc Spector’s MCU future:
“You never know – with Marvel nothing is called finished. There could be a film, or he could go into another universe. Right now nothing is in talks but I definitely with Moon Knight, I would love to be involved in anything else and it could happen for sure. I have a great relationship with them.”
“Working on Moon Knight was amazing, but Hollywood can be harsh. We get offers every day, but you have to do something better. I don’t mind a clean slate. I don’t mind if I onlywork every five years, as long as I’m doing something better at the next step.”
Source: Deadline
His response is pretty vague, and at the moment, we can only hope that we will see Oscar Isaac’s Moon Knight again. What is good is that Oscar’s return doesn’t have to be in ‘Moon Knight’ Season 2.
More and more rumors suggest that Marvel is fast-tracking the ‘Midnight Sons’ project, especially after Mahershala Ali’s ‘Blade’ was delayed indefinitely. Oscar Isaac reprising his role in ‘Midnight Sons’ would make a lot of sense as the character is a team member in the comics.
Ghost Rider (Blaze) leads the latest iteration of the supernatural squad, which includes Blade, Marc Spector, AKA Moon Knight (Mr. Knight’s personality), Elsa Bloodstone, Jericho Drumm, AKA Doctor Voodoo, Ted Sallis, AKA Man-Thing, and Danny Rand, AKA Iron Fist, Ben Reilly, AKA Scarlet Spider, and Wong.
Whether we will get season 2 of ‘Moon Knight’ or if the character will return in the ‘Midnight Sons’ project remains to be seen. What we can look forward to is Oscar Isaac’s return as Moon Knight in ‘What If…?’ Season 3, releasing December 22, 2024!
What do you think? Will we get a season 2 of ‘Moon Knight’? Let us know in the comments below.