It’s Not Exactly What We Want But This Moon Knight Movie Will Suffice

Moon Knight Movie Fan Made

Not everyone in the world can or will wait for Marvel to decide if it is going to bring Moon Knight to life. Case in point, YouTuber Caden Butera. Butera has taken it upon himself to create his own Moon Knight movie. Thus far the movie has been viewed 84,000 times and it shows no sign of stopping. 

“Moon Knight” touches on nearly all aspects of the character. In it we see Jake Lockley, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and, of course, Moon Knight. As good as the movie is, it’s the ending that draws particular interest. As it comes to a close, the film makes it apparent that there may be a sequel with none other than Moon Knight’s main antagonist, Bushman.

Rumors of Moon Knight coming to either the Big or Small screen have been running rampant for years. As one of the most underrated yet most beloved characters in Marvel, his fans cannot understand why he hasn’t appeared on some capacity. Netflix’s Iron Fist was supposed to have cast the character during its second season. However, this, like all the other rumors, never came to fruition.

Moon Knight

Marc Spector is one of the most fascinating characters in Marvel. Due to his wealthy background and role as an anti-hero, some call him Marvel’s rip-off of Batman. This is simply not the case. Moon Knight is a one of a kind character that Marvel has used to discuss mental disorders. 

Long-suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, Moon Knight has entrenched himself in the hearts of his readers. This disorder causes one’s mind to divide itself into multiple different personalities. While not completely accurate, his stories give the world a small glimpse into what life with D.I.D. may be like. 

Moon Knight first appeared in Werewolf By Night #32. Before he became Moon Knight, Marc Spector was a U.S. Marine turned mercenary. On one mission, his eventual nemesis Bushman, left him to die in the Egyptian desert. He was brought to the tomb of the Moon God, Khonshu, where he was brought back to life. As a part of the deal with Khonshu, Marc was made to become the God’s Champion.

Shortly after this Spector returns home to the U.S. where he begins to create his alter ego’s. First, he creates millionaire Steven Grant, followed by Jake Lockley, a small time cab driver designed to acquire street level information.

Moon Knight is one character that Marvel has to embrace. Like so many other characters that have shaped and molded their cinematic landscape, Moon Knight could bring layers of depth that just isn’t there. From his D.I.D. and ultra-violent ways to his white costume that signifies to his enemies he is coming, Moon Knight could erect mountains in the flattest of MCU surfaces.

Until they do, however, all we have is Caden Butera’s Moon Knight Movie … which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.



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