Moon Knight vs. Batman: Which Masked Hero Would Win in a Fight?

Marvel’s Moon Knight is often compared to DC’s Batman. Both are masked crime fighters that take justice into their own hands, and both are incredibly rich, with access to vast resources and advanced knowledge of martial arts. And despite those similarities, there are some significant differences as well, both when it comes to their mindset and their physical attributes. This is why we decided to answer the age-old question: who is stronger between Moon Knight and Batman and would win in a fight?
Moon Knight is generally stronger than Batman due to the supernatural aspect of his character and access to greater powers. He is also more violent and is willing to take every fight a step further than it needs to be. Moon Knight would most certainly win if he managed to catch Batman unprepared. However, if the fight had been planned beforehand, Batman would be able to take down Moon Knight with his superior planning skills. He would most likely abuse Moon Knight’s physicological instability and impulsiveness to his own benefit.
Now that we’ve covered that there are two outcomes to this fight, depending on the circumstances, it’s time to analyze exactly why. We’re going to compare the physical aspects, skills, and powers of both characters so you can see why we came to our conclusion. Current versions of both Batman and Moon Knight will be analyzed, and if you’re interested in more, stay with us and keep reading!
Powers and abilities
Moon Knight was originally born as a human. He got his superpowers following his resurrection at the hands of the Egyptian god Khonshu. Now Moon Knight is affected by moon phases which greatly enhance his physical powers. The superpowers granted to him by Khonshu are a little less obvious when compared to other powerhouses in Marvel Universe. Still, he has them, but they are going to be analyzed in more detail in the rest of this post.
Batman is a regular human through and through. He is not a metahuman or homo magi, and he never gave himself superpowers despite having plenty of opportunities and resources to do so. Even though Batman proved time and time again that he is capable of performing superhuman feats, he doesn’t have superpowers, and most of his feats are possible due to his determination, years of training, and peak human performance. Also, money and cutting-edge gear, and gadgets.
Since Moon Knight does have some form of magical enhancements and Batman has non, this point goes to Spector.
Points: Moon Knight (1:0) Batman
Strength and stamina
Moon Knight, by default, can lift twice his body weight, which puts him at 450 lbs tops. However, during specific moon phases and with Khonshu’s empowerment, this number goes up to 2 tons. Even though he is far from being the strongest character in Marvel Universe, he is quite strong under specific circumstances. When talking about Spector’s stamina, his reserves are likely greater than the stamina reserves of average humans, especially under the influence of the moon god.
Batman can lift between 450 and 1000 lbs. He proved on several occasions that he does have access to some modicum of superhuman strength. However, he is far from being considered a powerhouse in the DC comics universe. Due to years of training, self-discipline, and his indomitable will, Batman has access to stamina reserves far greater than those of an average human as he often goes without sleep or food, and on one occasion, he fought for 28 hours without rest.
Both Batman and Moon Knight are strong, but Moon Knight’s enhancements allow him to lift vastly more than Batman can, and thus he can pack a stronger punch. The second point goes to Spector.
Points: Moon Knight (2:0) Batman
Due to years of training, Moon Knight has extremely fast reflexes and is quite agile in combat. His running speeds are often limited to those of the finest human athletes. Spector is an expert when it comes to offensive movements, as he often performs crazy stunts in the comics. With the help of his cape, he can emulate flying through gliding.
Batman can reach a speed of up to 40 miles per hour, but like Moon Knight, he truly excels in his combat speeds. His movements while fighting are often described as a blur, and the biggest testament to his superior combat speed is the fact that he managed to land one punch a second in his fight against Reverse-Flash.
Both Batman and Moon Knight are trained combatants that can move really fast while in combat, and this is why the point goes to both of them.
Points: Moon Knight (3:1) Batman
Moon Knight does have enhanced durability. This is both due to years of training and the fact that he serves as the moon god’s champion. Moon Knight is also famously known to tolerate pain well, as he often goes to great lengths to prove his point in combat and refuses to back down even when horribly hurt. Khonshu’s blessings come with a side of immortality as well. Moon Knight is immortal, and while he can be killed rather easily, it’s most likely that he won’t stay dead for long. Khonshu already brought him back to life on three separate occasions.
Batman doesn’t have superhuman durability and doesn’t have a healing factor. Even still, he proved on several separate occasions that he could tank more damage than an average human. This is mostly due to the Batsuit that soaks off a good deal of physical damage and provides him with some extra enhancements otherwise unavailable to regular humans. Batman can still get pretty beaten up, and his recovery process looks mostly the same as that of an average human, but he can certainly tank more damage.
Batman is durable when it comes to humans, but Moon Knight has a supernatural factor to it. The point goes to him.
Points: Moon Knight (4:1) Batman
It’s a pretty common fact that Moon Knight has dissociative identity disorder, which resulted in the creation of multiple personalities. But this is not the whole story about the nature of Spector’s mind. Moon Knight has enhanced brain function. He is not a genius by any means, but his brain function is changed profoundly due to the moon god’s influence. His mind was “rebuilt” as god’s weapon. The full extent of the changes to Marc’s mind is unknown, but he is capable of resisting the full scope of most telepathic attacks, and it is said that he has complete control over his mindscape.
Batman is known to be the second smartest human in the DC universe. He has an IQ of 197, with some sources claiming that it goes as far as 210. Still, having an IQ of 197 is impressive enough and makes sense in the context, considering that Batman is the second smartest human in the DC comics Universe, followed only by Lex Luthor.
Batman has plenty of feats to showcase his intelligence, such as aviation, business management, chemistry, hacking, and disguise. He is a super genius with an eidetic memory who mostly relies on his own inventions in combat. Batman also excels as a leader and investigator, demonstrating proficiency in a wide range of technologies and weapons.
We could split this point between Moon Knight and Batman due to Moon Knight’s developed mind; however, that wouldn’t exactly be fair toward Batman, considering that he has more intelligence feats and contingency plans for almost everyone. The point goes to Bruce Wayne.
Points: Moon Knight (4:2) Batman
Combat Skills
Moon Knight is a highly trained and skilled former heavyweight boxing champion. He also underwent training with several masters in Boxing, Judo, Krav Maga, Silat, Dambe, Savate, Escrima, Karate, Muay Thai, and Kung Fu. His knowledge and abilities are so advanced that he can use pressure points to stun or instantly incapacitate his opponents. Moon Knight fought the Punisher to a standstill, the greatest proof of his skills.
Batman is known to be among the finest hand-to-hand combatants in the DC universe. He often takes down opponents much more powerful than he is. But what is Batman’s secret? Batman spent 12 years wandering the planet looking for the best martial artists to train him.
He studied boxing at Roxbury Fielding Academy and received further training from Wildcat in this style. Additionally, he developed a unique fighting style called “Bam Pow,” specifically designed to fight with the Batman Who Laughs. Batman is also skilled in Dim Mak, an ancient martial art that focuses on striking vital points of the opponent’s body to induce paralysis, intense pain, or even death.
Moon Knight vs. Batman: Who is more powerful, and who wins in a fight?
Moon Knight is definitely more powerful than Batman and would have no trouble taking him down in a fight, but there’s is a huge catch to this. If Batman is prepared and knows what to expect from a fight, I have no doubt that he is quite capable of devising a plan to take down Moon Knight.
He most likely preys on his greatest weakness, his mental instability, and utilizes this to his advantage. Ultimately, Moon Knight wins thanks to his raw power, but Batman wins thanks to his prep time.