Moon Knight vs. Deadpool: Which Former Mercenary Would Win?

Deadpool and Moon Knight have more in common than you could have imagined. They are both former mercenaries, and both are considered to be among the most unhinged characters in Marvel Comics Universe. They are also blessed with superhuman powers and are often depicted as anti-heroes, constantly looking for ways to mess things up for everyone else. This is why we decided to check out who between the two of them would ultimately prove stronger and more vicious in a fight. They have vastly different powers, and due to that, let’s see who would win if Deadpool fights Moon Knight.
Moon Knight would win in a fight against Deadpool due to his superior combat skills, intelligence, and ruthlessness. However, it’s important to note that he wouldn’t be able to eliminate Deadpool completely since he has among the best healing factors in Marvel Comics. Marvel actually answered this question since Moon Knight and Deadpool did fight in the comics before. Moon Knight destroyed Deadpool to such an extent that he needed medical attention to recover.
Now that we’ve covered that Moon Knight would easily take the win here, it’s time to analyze in more detail why. We’re going to compare the strength, speed, durability, and various other skills and abilities of both Moon Knight and Deadpool so you can see how we came to our conclusion. If you’re interested in more, stay with us and keep reading!
Powers and abilities
Moon Knight was born as a regular human, but during his mercenary days, he was left for dead at the feet of Khonshu’s statute, an ancient Egyptian moon deity that granted him various powers in exchange for his service. Those powers basically translate to his physical attributes being enhanced, especially during certain phases of the moon, which makes him magically stronger, faster, and more durable than your average human, but this is pretty much it, as Moon Knight also largely depends on his tech and vast resources.
Deadpool was likewise born human but eventually fell sick with cancer; while he searched for an experimental treatment to save his life, he became a part of the Weapon-X program that resulted in Deadpool becoming a mutate with a healing factor derived from Wolverine’s healing factor. And it ended up being one of the most potent versions of the healing factor we’ve ever seen, allowing Deadpool to even return from the dead.
Just like Moon Knight, Deadpool’s superpowers are basically limited to his physiology, and he can’t do anything extra in terms of magic or energy projection. This is why our first point goes to no one in particular.
Points: Moon Knight (0:0) Deadpool
Strength and Stamina
Moon Knight has enhanced strength to some extent. His usual self can lift around 450 lbs, but this goes up to 2 tons if the moons align perfectly, as Moon Knight is stronger while the moon is full. Being able to lift 2 tons means that Moon Knight can pack quite the punch in combat if needed. Moon Knight’s stamina reserves are also somewhat enhanced, but this is mostly due to years of training and taking up arms in warfare. He can definitely hold his ground in a fight longer than an average human.
In Deadpool’s case, one of the side effects of being a mutate is that he has superhuman strength at his disposal. Deadpool can lift anywhere between 800 lbs and 2 tons. Where Deadpool truly shines is his stamina. Thanks to his healing factor, his muscles are other bodily tissues able to recover from the effects of stamina extremely fast, and his body produces next to nothing fatigue toxins, meaning he can fight several days without stopping before he gets tired.
Both Moon Knight and Deadpool have around the same levels of strength and stamina, and due to that, the point goes to both of them, with Deadpool having a slight advantage with his stamina reserves.
Points: Moon Knight (1:1) Deadpool
Moon Knight moves at speeds that can be attributed to the finest human athletes, once again partially due to Khonshu’s blessing and partially due to his history as a professional mercenary which left him trained in situations that call for swift reactions.
Moon Knight’s movement speed might not be not even close to some speedsters in Marvel Universe. Still, he can move extremely fast in combat. He has insane reflexes and reaction times. Moon Knight specializes in quick escapes if it’s needed, as he often employs his cape that gives him the ability to “glide,” emulating flying.
Deadpool, like Moon Knight, has the finest speed known to man due to years of extensive mercenary training and, like Moon Knight, has, over the years, demonstrated breakneck speeds while fighting. Deadpool might not be able to run at lightspeed, but his reflexes and reaction times in combat are among the finest in Marvel Comics.
Both Deadpool and Moon Knight can be insanely fast in combat. This is why the point goes to both of them.
Points: Moon Knight (2:2) Deadpool
Moon Knight’s durability is slightly enhanced, but nothing special when it comes to some other superhuman characters in the comics. He frequently tanks damage falling from great heights and is frequently seen avoiding damage from bullets and other types of weapons, but this is mostly due to his suit and partially due to the durability granted to him by Khonshu’s blessing.
Moon Knight can be injured, and he can also be killed, but he might not stay dead for long, however, as Khonshu has a tendency to bring his champion back to life if the situation calls for it. It’s nothing something that one should count on, but at least it’s an option. Damaging him is easy, but making Moon Knight stay dead might be a bit harder.
Deadpool’s healing factor is legendary. He can recover from even the most severe damage possible, like lost limbs and a severed head. Even biological weapons are not doing anything to Deadpool since he is mostly immune to poisons, toxins, viruses, and bacteria due to his supreme immune system and metabolism.
Deadpool is functionally immortal as his body repairs even damage dealt to him by his cells aging, which means that he will stay in his prime for a very long time.
Even though neither Deadpool nor Moon Knight have a concrete plan on how to deal with one other, the fact of the matter is, Deadpool is vastly more durable than Moon Knight, and this is why the point goes to him.
Points: Moon Knight (2:3) Deadpool
Moon Knight has dissociative identity disorder, this was a coping mechanism he created to deal with terrible childhood trauma, and it gave him some edge in fighting as he is considered to be an extremely unpredictable opponent that even Taskmaster struggled with him.
Due to Khonshu’s blessing, Moon Knight has enhanced brain function. He was never known to be among the smartest characters in the comics, but his mind was rebuilt according to Khonshu’s will and used as a weapon.
It’s unknown what kind of enhanced functions Spector’s new brain entails, but he can resist most telepathic attacks and completely controls his mindscape.
Deadpool can brag about having perfectly average intelligence, but he rarely showcases reasonable behavior and is considered to be completely unhinged. Deadpool’s focus is on comedy and dramatic effect, and due to that, he is often shown as being erratic, impulsive, and going headfirst into anything without rarely paying attention to possible consequences.
This is most likely due to his healing factor. He never practices being careful since he can recover from pretty much anything.
Both Deadpool and Moon Knight are classified as insane, but Moon Knight is far more ruthless and cold-blooded in fights, and he also showcases his brilliance with his tech and approaches fights in a more serious manner. This is why the point goes to Spector.
Points: Moon Knight (3:3) Deadpool
Combat Skills
Moon Knight has a long history of fighting. He started training in boxing when he was a teen against his father’s wishes, and he eventually turned his “thirst for violence” into a military career and later into a mercenary career. This means that he has vast experience fighting both armed and armed, and as such, he is considered to be among the greatest combatants in Marvel Universe.
He also underwent training with several masters in Boxing, Judo, Krav Maga, Silat, Dambe, Savate, Escrima, Karate, Muay Thai, and Kung Fu. His knowledge and abilities are so advanced that he can use pressure points to stun or instantly incapacitate his opponents. Moon Knight fought the Punisher to a standstill, the greatest proof of his skills.
Like Moon Knight, Deadpool has a mercenary background and is considered a master combatant in Marvel Universe due to his unparalleled skills in both armed and unarmed combat techniques. Deadpool’s most popular and favorite weapons are his Katanas, which make him quite the deadly opponent and one difficult to deal with in a conventional manner.
Both Moon Knight and Deadpool are skilled, but Moon Knight knows his way around various martial arts and combat techniques. This is why the point ultimately goes to him.
Points: Moon Knight (4:3) Deadpool
Deadpool vs. Moon Knight: Who wins?
As you can see, based on their powers and physical attributes alone, it is a close fight, but in reality, the comics paint a rather different picture. Moon Knight and Deadpool fought in the comics before, and Deadpool revealed to Moon Knight that he has a healing factor hoping to deter him.
Moon Knight had different plans, and it was basically an excuse for Spector to become as violent as possible. He absolutely annihilated Deadpool, and it took the healing factor mutate IV bags to recover completely, and this is saying a lot.
Moon Knight is far more dangerous than Deadpool, all due to his combat intelligence and his skills. He also has vastly more powerful tech at his disposal as well as more moments of lucidity than Deadpool. Overall, Moon Knight wins.
Who do you think would win in this fight? Let us know in the comments below!