New ‘Captain America 4’ Report Teases a Connection Between ‘Eternals’ and ‘X-Men’

Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe introduced a new set of characters and places that will be important for the franchise’s future. In November 2021, we met ten new superheroes known as Eternals in the homonymous movie directed by Chloé Zhao. The movie received mixed reviews from critics and the audience, and the main problem is that the movie tried too much simultaneously. Introducing ten all-new characters the audience meets for the first time isn’t easy, even for a movie of 2 hours and 36 minutes.
Despite the mixed response, the movie’s ending promised that Eternals would eventually return, although we can’t be sure about all of them. Interestingly, there is still no official word about the sequel, and looking at the movie right now, it seems that MCU wouldn’t look any different if the Eternals movie never happened. But according to some new reports, that’s about the change.
According to Thunderbolts News on Twitter, Tiamut’s head and hand, which remained above the Earth’s surface after Eternals stopped his birth, will become an island currently being built on the set of the fourth Captain America movie. What’s even more interesting is that the fans are speculating that this could be a teaser for the introduction of Genosha Island in the MCU. For those who aren’t familiar with the source material, Genosha is a mutant paradise that is under the rule of Magneto. The report also mentions that Tiamut’s island could be a source of Adamantium in the MCU.
After watching Eternals, we were kinda bugged that no MCU movie afterward mentioned that Earth now has a giant Celestial coming out of its surface. Although Eternals managed to stop Tiamut’s birth, which would ultimately destroy the Earth, he still remained there, frozen with his head and one hand above the Earth’s surface. And considering how big he is, it’s impossible that no one on Earth noticed him. But, according to this latest report, the upcoming movie Captain America: New World Order will change that.
Since Disney’s acquisition of Fox in 2019, which brought the rights to X-Men, Deadpool, and Fantastic Four back to Marvel Studios, there have been numerous speculations about when X-Men will join the franchise. We know that Fantastic Four will be introduced in 2025, ahead of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, and Deadpool will join the franchise with his third movie, which will also star Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Stefan Kapičić as Colossus.
That’s two X-Men we know from Fox’s franchise, but it’s expected that MCU will eventually introduce brand-new live-action X-Men, but when that happens is anyone’s guess. Until then, we have X-Men ’97, a revival of the known X-Men Animated Series from the ’90s, which is currently in production for Disney+.