New Fan Theory Suggests Marvel Already Confirmed MCU’s Anchor Being & It’s Not Tony, Nor, Peter, Nor Wanda

‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ was recently released and the movie is breaking box office records, entertaining fans worldwide. Much of the movie’s success was owed to fan service because the cameos and jokes are the strongest aspects of the movie.
The movie did have a plot, but it’s paper thin and riddled with plot holes and timeline contradictions in a true MCU style, it also introduced one new phenomenon to the MCU – the anchor being.
As Mr. Paradox explained it, an anchor being is a being that is vital to the survival of the universe in a multiversal sense. As long as the anchor being is alive that specific timeline is thriving, if the anchor is dead, the timeline starts decaying until it’s eventually permanently destroyed. The process can take anywhere from a single day to thousands of years.
Wolverine who died in ‘Logan’ released in 2017, was Earth-10005 anchor being, and due to that Deadpool’s reality was basically dying at the start of the movie. Mr. Paradox merely wanted to speed up the process by employing the time ripper.
Anchor beings are reportedly set to play a massive role in the MCU going forward, considering the Multiversal nature of the current saga. Some speculations already claim that Peter Parker is Earth-616 anchor being, while other fans are pitching their own theories.
The theories range from Kang the Conqueror to Wanda, who is already confirmed to be a Nexus being in the MCU alongside Kang. But, one extremely interesting fan theory states that the anchor being of Earth-616 is none other than Doctor Strange.
The main rationale behind the theory is that while looking at possible futures Strange presumably saw one possible outcome in which his death leads to the death of the whole reality. You can check out the video below:
The theory, even if some arguments don’t make sense does hold some water because Strange was teased to be one of the most important characters in the Multiverse Saga. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!