Rumors Aside, Ben Affleck Is Still Attached To The New Batman Movie

Will he or won’t he? That’s the million dollar question isn’t it?
After the critical failure of Justice League and for the better part of a year, speculation has run rampant as to whether or not Ben Affleck would:
- Wear the cape and cowl in the upcoming Batman solo film
- Produce it
- Be involved in any capacity
It appears as though we finally have an answer to at least two of the questions. From the pages of Production Weekly, we can see that the new Batman movie is set to begin filming in 2019 and Ben Affleck is firmly attached to produce the movie.
This news brings a sigh of relief to the fledgling DC Cinematic world. After the less than expected results of Justice League and Batman v. Superman, they find themselves needing stability. Affleck does this. After all, he is one of the most bankable stars and sought-after director/producers in Hollywood. His attachment all but guarantees that the DC Universe is headed in the right direction.
The new Batman movie has undergone a series of changes that had some questioning if it would even see the light of day.
After the 2016 announcement of the movie that saw both Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns writing, Matt Reeves was a put in the director’s chair and scrapped the script. With the script looking to be rewritten, Reeves reportedly brought in Matt Bomback of Planet of the Apes fame.
And the movie has been in limbo since.
No matter the future of the movie, the best thing the franchise could do with is recast the role of Batman. Don’t get me wrong, Affleck was good. However, if, like their comic book counterpart Marvel, the studio is looking for long-term stability, they should be looking to go younger. Comic book adaptations will be around for at least 10 more years and finding a 30 something actor is the right play.
They’ve done it with Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Henry Cavill, and Ezra Miller, so why not Batman?