Russian Engineer Nicknamed “The Real Tony Stark” Took 6 Years to Create an Iron Man Suit – Yes, It Has Personal Reactor

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Money and technology are not the first “superpowers” that come to mind, well, except if you’re Iron Man or Batman, but one Russian engineer came one step closer to being the real-life Iron Man by building his own suit – and yes it does come with a personal hydrogen reactor.

Alex Burkan, known on YouTube under the channel Alex Lab, spent six years creating the suit. It started humbly enough with rough sketches and eventually evolved into a marvel of technology and engineering.

In 2018, the engineer started his project in a small space with limited resources, using a “box of scraps” to bring his vision to life. He has been employing a hydrogen reactor to assist with the suit’s development instead of a traditional arc reactor.

To mimic Robert Downey Jr.’s movements in the MCU, Alex Burkan created a pneumatic sensor system that connects his body movements to the suit. Additionally, he designed a plasma propulsion system for the suit’s jet thrusters and laser-like cutter.

I assembled several electrolysers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen and produce high-octane fuel gas mixture for the suit.

Then I realized that the electrolyser can be used not only as a source of fuel, but also as a compact but powerful compressor, which means it can be used to activate artificial muscles and other pneumatic stuff.

Burkan had to master entirely new skills to create the suit, as he recently provided an update on creating the helmet of perfect weight:

I had to master casting. I tried to avoid this for many years, because I knew that casting is indeed a fragile and expensive process. But this seems to be the only way to make the helmet as light as I need it to be

Therefore, I dedicated this few months to mastering new technology. Master model on a 3D printer, silicone mold, composite shell, 2K plastic for rotocasting, fiberglass, carbon, Kevlar. But most importantly, in the end I was able to achieve the coveted 700g!

Source: YouTube

If you want to see the whole process, make sure to check out Burkan’s YouTube channel. Fan reactions are insanely positive, and hopefully, we get a live demonstration soon!

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