Sabbac vs. Trigon: Who Would Win in a Fight & How?

Black Adam just recently hit the theaters and introduced fans to a new demonic villain – Sabbac. DC Comics fans are already well-acquainted with Sabbac but usually confuse the big, horned demon with another powerful DC entity – Trigon. So, if the two powerful DC demons ever fought, who would win that fight, and why?
Trigon would demolish Sabbac on a whim. Sabbac is incredibly powerful and a planetary threat rivaling Black Adam and Shazam, but Trigon is easily a Multiversal threat, rivaling some of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe, such as Mr. Mxyzpltk or even the Spectre.
Now, both Sabbac and Trigon have had a couple of different versions, but no matter which version you match up with which, Trigon still wins. Still, in some cases, it might be a closer battle than you may think. So, let’s explore the two of the most powerful DC demons and see how – and why – one would beat the other in a fight.
Origins, Physiology & Durability
To kick things off, we must first be acquainted with who Sabbac and Trigon are. Sabbac is a demonic-like supervillain who is usually depicted as the enemy of Shazam. There were three versions of Sabbac throughout history, each just a bit different but with similar end results. This category will be a bit longer, but it will give you a nice insight into who these two characters are.
The first was Timothy Karnes, a criminal who gained the power of the six most dangerous Earthly demons, which the wizards wanted to keep out of the planet – just like Shazam’s name is an ambiguation of six powerful gods that gives him superpowers, so is Sabbac’s name an ambiguation the names of the six demons of Hell.
Those demons are Satan, Aym, Belial, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Crateis. When Timothy Karnes speaks the name Sabbac, he turns into a demonic-like being that has incredible strength and durability, can fly, and alter his size. Essentially, he’s the evil version of Shazam.
The second version of Sabbac was Ishmael Gregor, who gained the power of the demons after killing Karnes and performing a ritualistic massacre. As Gregor was even eviler and corrupted, his powers grew stronger, and his appearance was much more demonic and otherworldly than it was for his predecessor.
The third version of Sabbac wasn’t powered by the six demons but rather by the Seven Sins of Men. The host of the entity was a guy named Mr. Bryer, who was essentially an evil, rich bully. Black Adam tried to use this version of Sabbac to destroy the world but was stopped by the Shazam family.
We’ll focus on the second version of Sabbac – Ishmael Gregor – as that’s the version appearing in the Black Adam movie. His durability is immense, and he can easily go toe-to-toe with Shazam, sometimes even overpowering him.
However, there have been instances where Sabbac was hurt by Shazam, or even Superman, which makes sense, considering they are around the same power level. Also, if you manage to trick him into saying his name, Sabbac reverts back to his human form, making him that much more vulnerable.
Trigon is a cosmic entity with two main versions of his origins. The first version of Trigon was an entity spawned from dark emotions and all the evil that the inhabitants of the planet Azarath had expelled from themselves. The evil floated through the cosmos for years before merging into a single form.
That form of darkness and pure evil was summoned in an occult ritual to impregnate a woman (Tales of the New Teen Titans #2), and so was Trigon born. His demonic nature came through instantly as he slaughtered the woman who gave birth to him, as well as everybody in attendance right after birth.
At the age of one, he was already the ruler of the planet he was on. By the age of six, he destroyed the planed and watched it burn in flames before starting his cosmic conquest. By the time he was thirty, Trigon had ruled an entire dimension, along with millions of millions of planets and worlds within.
It still wasn’t enough for him to satisfy the raging evil within him, so Trigon expanded his horizons on a Multiversal scale.
The new Prime Earth version of Trigon was a demonic ruler of an unknown planet. Three powerful cosmic beings known as the Divine wanted to cleanse his soul of evil by summoning the Heart of Darkness to feast on Trigon’s soul. Instead, Trigon was so powerful that he absorbed the Heart of Darkness, which contained all the evil from a hundred galaxies.
Not only did Trigon become more powerful, but also eviler. He killed the Divine after realizing they were his parents, and then shredded the flesh off of their bones and wore their skin. We will focus on the first version of Trigon, as it’s much more elaborate and, well, better.
His powers are unmatched by almost any other entity. He essentially can’t be hurt by any planetary action – it requires the most powerful DC entities to hurt Trigon in any way.
Hence, the origins, physiology, and durability category goes to Trigon comfortably.
Point: Trigon (1:0) Sabbac
Sabbac is insanely tough. Due to his size-alteration abilities, that strength comes to an even greater extent. He is usually somewhere on the same level as Shazam or Superman, but he has lost fights against them. That being said, sometimes, Sabbac is stronger than Shazam and can beat him one-on-one.
Seeing that Shazam and Supes are somewhat at the same strength level, with Superman usually having an edge in the category, I’d put Sabbac right there with them.
On the other hand, Trigon is just in a different dimension, both literally and figuratively. His physical power levels are far and beyond the likes of Superman or Shazam, at least when they’re at their normal strength levels. That means Trigon pummels Sabbac in this category yet again.
Point: Trigon (2:0) Sabbac
Best Features
Sabbac’s best features usually came against Shazam and the Shazam family. Sometimes, he faced the likes of Superman and the Justice Society, but he doesn’t really have a signature ‘scalp’ to his name. There were moments where he gave Billy Batson a tough time one-on-one, but one could argue that the most powerful we’ve seen Sabbac was in the Black Adam movie.
On the other hand, Trigon has a lot to brag about. The guy conquered an entire dimension and millions of planets within before turning to other dimensions and universes to continue his quest for destruction and death.
There was this one panel that showed Trigon’s “trophy room” he had collected through numerous universes. It included the skeletons of Superman, Green Lantern, and Hawkman, as well as Wonder Woman’s tiara, the Flash’s suit, and, shockingly, even Doctor Fate’s helmet.
He fought the entire Justice League several times single-handedly and was actually winning with no trouble. There’s a lot more to dive into here, but it’s more than enough. Trigon’s best feats trump anything Sabbac has ever done – times ten.
Point: Trigon (3:0) Sabbac
Other powers
Essentially, Sabbac has the same powers as Shazam and adds some, along with a (big) splash of evil. He has superhuman strength, stamina, durability, reflexes, and balance. Also, Sabbac can fly, alter his size, and heal rapidly if he somehow gets hurt.
As a human, Ishmael Gregor was a criminal, prolific in business management, marksmanship, and occultism.
On the other hand, you have Trigon, whose powers rival those of the Spectre, the Phantom Stranger, or even Mr. Mxyzpltk.
They include powerful blasts of ultra-heated demonic energy, known as the Eldritch Blast, size alteration, illusion casting, reality-warping, immortality, flight, interdimensional traveling, invulnerability, molecular reconstruction, mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, superhuman physiology (strength, stamina, reflexes, speed, etc.)… Do I need to continue?
Point: Trigon (4:0) Sabbac
Earth Threat
So, I chose this category because I really wanted to give at least one point to Sabbac to make this an actual battle instead of complete pulverization. Essentially, the only thing I can see Sabbac having over Trigon is the fact that he’s a bigger threat to Earth than Trigon.
I mean that, in a sense that Sabbac resides on Earth and is much more Earth-oriented, as the demons that give him powers were banished from the planet and now wish to destroy it. His focus is on Earth, which is why I find him to be a bigger threat.
On the other hand, if Trigon focused on Earth, I’m sure he could eventually conquer it, as he did with millions of other planets in numerous dimensions and universes. However, the guy is traveling through dimensions and dividing his focus between millions of planets that are inhabited just like Earth.
The only reason why he was ever interested in Earth in the first place is Raven – his daughter and a member of the Teen Titans. Seeing how widespread Trigon’s focus and influence are, one could argue that Sabbac is a threat that hits much closer to home. For that, I’m giving Sabbac a point in this category.
Point: Sabbac (1:4) Trigon
Sabbac Vs. Trigon: Who wins?
In the end, it’s clear that Trigon and Sabbac aren’t on the same level. Trigon is a much, much more powerful entity and would likely demolish Sabbac if they ever fought. It could be either by brute force or through other means, such as reality-altering, but the outcome would be the same – Trigon would win, and Sabbac would lose.
That being said, seeing how evil both of them are and how similar their goal of destruction are, it’s more likely that Trigon and Sabbac would join forces rather than fight each other. In that case, I could see Sabbac as a sire of Trigon, doing his bidding on Earth while Trigon focuses on bigger threats.
Black Adam just recently hit the theaters and introduced fans to a new demonic villain – Sabbac. DC Comics fans are already well-acquainted with Sabbac but usually confuse the big, horned demon with another powerful DC entity – Trigon. So, if the two powerful DC demons ever fought, who would win that fight, and why?
Trigon would demolish Sabbac on a whim. Sabbac is incredibly powerful and a planetary threat rivaling Black Adam and Shazam, but Trigon is easily a Multiversal threat, rivaling some of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe, such as Mr. Mxyzpltk or even the Spectre.
Now, both Sabbac and Trigon have had a couple of different versions, but no matter which version you match up with which, Trigon still wins. Still, in some cases, it might be a closer battle than you may think. So, let’s explore the two of the most powerful DC demons and see how – and why – one would beat the other in a fight.