‘Secret Invasion’: What Is an Honor Meeting?


Episode 3 of ‘Secret Invasion’ was just released, and we’ve been given more insight into Gravik’s evil plan. Talos and Gravik met for the first time since he usurped his place at the Skrull Council, and it would be an understatement to say that the meeting was a tense one. At one point, Gravik even threatened to kill Talos “then and there” until Talos asked him whether he wanted to challenge him to an “Honor Meeting.” Since Skrull culture remained largely unexplored in the MCU up to this point, we decided to explore what this means by relying on the source material. Let’s see what “Honor Meetings” for Skrulls are. 

Honor Meeting is a way for two Skrulls to settle their differences through combat. Skrulls are a proud martial race, and they have a pretty straightforward way of determining who is right and wrong during an argument. Honor Meetings or duels are usually brutal fights and a way for Skrulls to keep their honor if they are accused of being cowards or something equally grievous. 

Now that we’ve answered the main question, it’s time to analyze it in more detail. If you’re interested in more, stay with us and keep reading!

Skrulls are a proud warrior race; it’s just that MCU showed them in a different light 

Ever since Skrulls were introduced to the MCU in ‘Captain Marvel,’ we’ve got a one-sided story regarding their culture and mentality. They were depicted as refugees standing up to Kree brutality and just trying to make ends meet in this large universe, grasping for every chance at survival, however now in ‘Secret Invasion,’ they were depicted more accurately to source material, in comics, where Skrulls were most of the time, villains

We know that among the chief villains in the ‘Secret Invasion’ is Gravik, who is working on a plane to take over Earth and, in the meantime, turn Skrulls into Super-Skrulls, and we don know that he doesn’t have any principles or a sense of honor when it comes to warfare as most of his plans rely heavily on espionage and infiltration with a minimal amount of straightforward combat. He was also willing to kill numerous civilians and children when he detonated a dirty bomb in Moscow Square. 


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We also know that Gravik betrayed both Fury and Talos when he got radicalized, and now, his former allies are back to haunt him. Former Skrull Council Member Shirley managed to set up a meeting between Talos and Gravik. The meeting was all about Talos’ daughter G’iah and the tensions were high. Gravik has trouble controlling his temper and controlling his emotions, so he starts threatening Talos. 

Talos, in turn, offered an alternative, Gravik could challenge him to an Honor Meeting at any time, although Gravik did point out that Honor Meetings between Skrulls of the different stations are inappropriate.

To figure out what Honor Meetings are, we need to take a look at the source material. 

Honor Meetings are basically duels to settle fights 

Skrull laws and costumes are a walking contradiction. They are almost always shown to be villains, although they can’t seem to shut up about the cruel Kree empire, while Skrull Imperium itself is not exactly a paradise to live in. 

Skrulls have an honor system they practice when convenient for them. They are a martial race of proud warriors and among the best warrior races in the universe, with only Kree being on par with them. 

And even though the honor system exists, not all Skrulls follow it at all times. For instance, Skrulls are extremely loyal to their military and chain of command. They will execute orders to perfect precision unless it suits their personal goals; otherwise, in that case, it’s normal for a Skrull to deceive their superior in order to boost his own rank and personal station. 

Skrulls are also notable for not killing the people who saved them, but they also do have the tendency to execute civilians during warfare. 


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Skrulls also rely on physical strength to prove their character strength and righteousness. The more people certain Skrull killed, the more honor and a better place in society he has. 

Skrulls abhor weakness and surrender. Although they allegedly “spare” captured enemies willing to surrender to them, Skrulls caught are bound by their code of honor to commit suicide rather than give out information. 

In the comics, Talos was bound by his code of honor to commit suicide after the Kree captured him. Talos declined to do such a thing and was immediately shamed and ridiculed, regarded as an outcast in Skrull society. He only managed to return his former glory and respect when he challenged the Hulk to a fight and won.

In the ‘Secret Invasion’ series, however, we’ve seen that MCU Skrulls do not follow this code of honor, as Gravik went to great lengths to save his captured operatives, especially the Skrull that was being tortured by Sonya. 

Skrull did end up being executed, but not because he was captured, he was executed because he allegedly gave out information. 

When two Skrulls argue, or one Skrull is acting especially dishonorably and offends other Skrulls. He can be challenged to an Honor Meeting. Honor Meetings are a way for Skrull through which he can prove that he is right, clear his name, rise up in the station, or simply get vengeance from the Skrull that slighted him, and believe me, Skrulls are extremely vengeful people. 

Why did Gravik decline the Honor Meeting? 

Gravik declined the Honor Meeting because he was afraid. 

 Even though Gravik mentioned that Honor Meetings between Skrulls of different stations are not okay and are inappropriate, this wasn’t the true reason why he doesn’t want to face Talos in one-on-one combat. 

Gravik is afraid because Honor Meetings are mostly fought to the death, and considering the fact that Talos was a general long before Gravik was even born, there’s a good chance that in fair combat, Gravik would lose and lose his life. This is why he ultimately uses cheap tricks and espionage to defend his righteous cause. 

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