Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

You probably saw it by now. Disney dropped the new title and logo for the soon-to-be-released Star Wars Episode VIII. If you saw it, you would’ve noticed that the title isn’t in the typical yellow.
Red…it is red.
The first time I saw it, I immediately thought that it, for obvious reasons, looked a little strange.
Yellow, I’m used to yellow.
It has been done twice in the Star Wars existence, once for Return of the Jedi and once for Revenge of the Sith. Strangely, these movies concluded their respective trilogies. Episode VIII sits smack-dab in the middle of its.
But what does the red mean?
In both Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith, there are commonalities, none more obvious than the death of its main characters. Yoda and Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi and Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala in Revenge of the Sith. Could it be that the red writing for The Last Jedi is in reference to a death in the movie?
If that is true, Disney might be the smartest company on the planet. Is it possible that Disney has found a way to separate George Lucas’ characters from its characters? They have a unique opportunity in front of them that would allow them to wipe the Star Wars slate clean and start the way they want to start. Luke is the only “big” thing in their way.
What if The Last Jedi has nothing to do with Luke?
You and I both know that Kylo Ren is not a full-fledged Sith. In an interview with Larry King, Adam Driver (the guy who plays him) has stated that he can’t wait to show Star Wars fans Ren’s humanity. Maybe Ren is at odds with who he is and what he has done. What if it’s him that turns from the Dark Side back to the Light Side, making him The Last Jedi?
What if it is none of the above and The Last Jedi is Rey?
It is widely speculated that Luke will train Rey in the ways of the Force. If, after training, Luke dies, does this leave Rey to be The Last Jedi?
Naw…not a chance.
This movie is 11 months away and speculation will run rampant until its release. As new trailers, hints, and theories are dropped, the excitement will build. After the success of Rogue One and The Force Awakens, I can’t wait to see what Disney does with The Last Jedi.