‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ Finally Introduces Major Sith Lord Into Live-Action

‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ concluded today with its eighth and final episode. It’s been quite a ride filled with controversy, death threats, review-bombing, review-boosting, and everything in between.
The first reactions to the finale were good-to-mixed, the show definitely delivered a weird ending to Osha’s story, and what the last episode lacked in substance, it definitely delivered in the form of two extremely important cameos.
Right at the beginning of the episode, we can see Qimir and Osha heading out for Brendok, in the hopes of finding Mae before she manages to kill Master Sol. In the cave, you can see a a shadowy male Muun figure, cloaked in black watching Qimir and Osha. This can be none other than Darth Plagueis the Wise – Palaptine’s Sith master.
As far as live-action goes, not much is known about Plagueis except what Palpatine revealed to us. We know that Plagueis was obsessed with the idea of immortality and he often experimented with science, midi-chlorians, and the Force in order to create life and perhaps hopefully cheat death.
Plagueis eventually failed in this endeavor as he was executed by his Sith apprentice in accordance with the Rule of the Two. His philosophy lived on through Palpatine, however, and at one point, his teachings were used to lure Anakin to the Dark Side, as the Sith Lord allegedly had the means to stop “loved ones” from dying.
We know now that the matter is far more complicated and even Palpatine himself only technically managed to prolong his life through the series of clones, none who could restore him to his “perfect” potential.
What does the introduction of Darth Plagueis mean for the live-action Star Wars? Well, for one the show teases several possible things. We don’t know when Plagueis exactly picked Palpatine to be his apprentice but now the show makes us wonder whether he had an apprentice before Sheev.
It’ also begs to question of whether Plagueis was involved in the creation of Osha and Mae and was in some way, in contact with the Witches of Brendok. Considering the nature of his experiments, midi-chlorians influencing and creating life, it seems extremely likely.
The show did little to clear up whether Qimir was aware of the Sith Lord, but considering that Qimir for some reason knows about the Power of Two, and is aware of the true nature of Mae and Osha, it seems likely that he is the one who trained Qimir and set him on the path of locating Osha and Mae.
There’s also the possibility that Plagueis had nothing to do with the creation of Osha and Mae but found out about them by accident, the fact that he coveted the power that Mother Aniseya seemingly had led him to spy on the sisters.
Headland already teased that she has a good idea on how to connect the events of ‘The Acolyte’ with Plagueis’ and Palaptine’s story, but it would be complicated and messy. If the show does get subsequent seasons, we really hope that she makes good on her promise.
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