‘Star Wars: The Bad Batch’: What Is Project Necromancer & How It’s Connected to Omega?

Season 3 of ‘The Bad Batch’ premiered today with the episodes. Two out of three episodes focused on Omega and her captivity at Mount Tantiss under the watchful eye of Imperial Scientist Hemlock. In the third episode, we see Nala Se telling Omega that she needs to escape at once despite Palpatine visiting the research station in order to assess the current progress of the project Necromancer. So, what exactly is that project & how is it connected to Omega?
Project Necromancer was already referenced in ‘The Mandalorian’
Project Necromancer was referenced for the first time in ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 3 episode 7 when Moff Gideon met up with the other members of the Shadow Council and discussed their plans regarding the Empire’s future and the various measures they can employ to ensure longevity. Gideon called one specific person to discuss the project Necromancer with and it was Commandant Hux who was apparently in charge of overseeing the Project Necromancer.
Nothing has been confirmed so far but it’s obvious that Project Necromancer was the same secret cloning project that eventually gave rise to Palpatine’s return in the sequel trilogy and his many clones. Palpatine was long obsessed with eternal life unwilling to allow death to stand between him and unlimited power, this is why he created multiple clones some of which gave rise to children of their own, like Rey for example. And while Palpatine did come close to attaining eternal life, we do know that his clones were imperfect and he returned significantly weaker. So while we do know what Project Necromancer is, we don’t know how it’s connected to Omega.
Omega is a very special clone
We know that Omega was brought to Hemlock’s secret lab at Mount Tantiss in order for Hemlock to have a bargaining chip in control of Nala Se. Every morning Omega would be summoned from her quarters she would assist Emerie with the blood samples she needed to collect, Emerie would draw Omega’s blood and Omega would bring the tray with the blood to Nala Se. Following this, Nala Se would incinerate Omega’s blood sample.
One morning when Nala Se was away from her regular duties she was aware that Emerie would test Omega’s blood sample and that it would be positive for M-Cell replication without sample degradation this was something that both she and Hemlock were trying to find and this is why they were experimenting on all of these clones. In simpler terms, Omega proved herself to be a perfect clone for what Hemlock needed. But why?
Omega was an unmodified, yet enhanced force-sensitive human female clone created from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. This makes Omega possibly the most unique clone in all of existence first she is a female, second, she is force-sensitive and third she was originally created to be a pure genetic replication of Fett. We don’t know why, but it seems that those traits proved to be vital in Nala Se’s and Hemlock’s research and that they are vital when it comes to advancing the Empire’s secret cloning project.

Nala Se knew that once Hemlock discovered this Omega’s life as she knew it was over she would most likely be drained and killed in order to ensure that every scrap of her genetic material was on Empire’s disposal for the purposes of Project Necromancer.
What will happen to Nala Se?
We know that Nala Se was actively sabotaging Project Necromancer by never testing Omega’s blood for its positive properties. The only day she couldn’t be present in the lab, when Palpatine was visiting Tantiss was the day Omega’s blood tested positive.
Since Emerie Karr drew Omega’s blood every day and every day that same blood proved to be “negative” Emerie is the first witness that Nala Se was sabotaging the whole project. It’s likely that Nala Se already tested Omega’s blood and was aware of the results but kept them hidden on purpose. In any case, Nala Se was purposely stalling the Empire and helping out Omega.
Now that Omega escaped, Hemlock will quickly figure out that Nala Se was destroying Omega’s samples, she is in a load of trouble and we can’t wait to see how it all ends up resolving.
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