‘Superman & Lois’ Season 3 Ep 4: Recap & Ending Explained

Welcome to the recap and ending explained of Season 3 Episode 4 of Superman & Lois. This week’s episode is called “Too Close to Home,” and it follows the revelations uncovered in the last week’s episode. As you know, Chrissy and Lois managed to find the base of operation for the Intergang and found out that Superman’s blood is being used to turn criminals into superpowered humans. Lois is struggling with her cancer diagnosis, and she missed several chemo appointments.
Now, in this week’s episode, we’ve found out how Manheim got Superman’s blood and that Burno Manheim plans on messing with Lois’ chemo rounds. There’s plenty of family drama going on as well. If you’re interested, take a look at our recap.
Family issues are everywhere
Lois has just started her first round of chemo, and Clark, realizing that she needs peace and quiet to recover, tries to “hold the fort” while she’s recovering. Meanwhile, Lois is not planning to take the necessary time off work. She researches Bruno Manheim and the Intergang and discovers that Bruno financed Hobbs Bay Medical Center, where Aleister Hook treated and experimented on Intergang members.
Back at the Cushing household, Sarah is still staying with Kyle; her relationship with her mother gets worse after Lana slaps her because Sarah accused her for the affair Kyle was having, telling her that it is her own fault for being controlling. Sarah keeps ignoring Lana’s calls and eventually comes clean about the slap. Kyle is mad at Lana since Sarah purposely presented the story wrong and “forgot” the mention how rude she was. He promises that he will deal with it and that it will never happen again.
John Henry Irons realizes that Intergang uses his double’s tech
John Henry and Clark recovered some of Intergang’s tech and discovered it was the same one he had created. He realizes that the deceased John Herny Irons most likely made it, and Clark fills him in on everything that he and Lois have found out so far. Including that Bruno Manheim killed his double. Clark also discloses that his sister from this earth, Dr. Irons is aware of it.
Meanwhile, Jonathan Clark has issues of his own; following the fact that Candance’s dad stole his truck, he goes to visit Candance, but it’s her dad who answers the door. Emmitt tells Jonathan that he should stop spreading “lies” about him, and Jonathan argues that he is the one that stole his truck because he had Lois’ watch in his house. Emmitt answers this by punching Jonathan.
Sam tries to instill some responsibility in Jordan
Following the forest fire incident we’ve seen at the start of the episode, Sam Lane shows Jordan that nearby drone cameras detected him and that he can be easily recognized by his haircut, which is pretty unique, all things considered. He urges him to cut his hair in order to be less recognizable, but Jordan refuses and becomes all pissy with Sam.
Sam says that making sacrifices like that is all part of being a superhero, something that Jordan so far doesn’t seem to understand.
Clark finds out that the Department of Defense is behind the blood leak
Sam Lane summons Clark to D.O.D. headquarters and reveals to Clark that the blood that Bruno Manheim is using comes from them. Clark wonders how this is possible, and the two make the connection to the fact that D.O.D. took a sample of his blood when he was hospitalized. At the time, it was medically necessary, but they have since lost track of the blood. Clark uses his heat vision to destroy the remaining samples of blood.
At the Cushing household, Kyle found out that Sarah weaponized his affair against Lana and had a stern talk with her about it.
John Henry Irons meets his parallel-world sister
John Henry Irons meets with Dr. Irons to get more info on his double; she is visibly uncomfortable but recounts everything she knows. She says that her brother got involved with Bruno Manheim after leaving the military, and this is why he got killed because he was selling tech to Manheim.
Dr. Irons agrees to talk to him but asks him never to visit her again. It’s too painful. She leaves, and the Intergang kidnaps John Henry Irons. Bruno Manheim asks him what his connection is to Superman and shows him the photo where the two can be seen standing side by side. He also shows him the photo of his sister, kidnapped with a bomb strapped to her chest. Manheim blackmails him, he needs to walk away from all of this, or else his sister dies.
Clark has to deal with Candace’s father
Meanwhile, Lois goes to confront Emmit because she found out that he is the one that caused a giant bruise on Jonathan’s face. Emmit, instead of apologizing, threatens Lois with a gun. She gets scared but keeps her resolve and repeats once again that he should stay away from their family.
After Jonathan, Jordan, and Lois return home, Lois gets sick from stress and chemo. Everything would have blown over if Clark didn’t eventually found out that Emmit both stole Jonathan’s truck and threatened Lois with a gun.
Clark locates him at the diner and tries to talk peacefully with him, but Emmit won’t budge. So Clark is forced to use his physical strength, and the two get into a small fight.
John Henry Irons manages to save his sister
Following Manheim’s blackmail, John Henry Irons sends him to hell and escapes from the building by using his suit. He manages to locate his sister, Dr. Irons. Bruno Held her in the garage in the back of the van with a bomb strapped to her chest.
John Henry attempts to defuse the bomb since he is familiar with the tech. He was the one that created it, well, his double. He manages to save his sister at the last second by using his fingerprints to defuse the bomb.
After saving his sister, he returns to Manheim and starts threatening to leave him and his alternate family alone. Manheim instead doubles down and starts threatening his extended family. All he wants is for John Henry to stop collaborating with Clark Kent and stops meddling in his business.
Jordan gets his first superhero costume
Lois and Clark tell Jordan that he needs to apologize to his grandfather for how he treated him the other day. Jordan agrees and agrees to get a haircut to continue pursuing superhero-related extracurricular activities.
Sam accepts the apology and proposes an alternative to cutting his hair. He gives him the box containing his superhero costume, put together by the D.O.D. To complement the outfit, he gives him his grandfather’s World War II pilot goggles.
How things are going to play out from here, we’re going to have to see next week when Superman & Lois Season 3 episode 5 airs!