‘Superman & Lois’ Season 3 Ep 6: Recap & Ending Explained: Peia & Her Connection to Bruno Manheim

Welcome to the ending explained for Superman & Lois‘ Season 3, episode 6. After a week-long pause, the most powerful couple in Smallville returns once again to tackle the growing danger in the form of Intergang. In the previous episode, we’ve seen Lois getting weaker due to the effects of chemo, a new villain, Deadline debuted, and the biggest shock followed in the last moments of the episode when we found out that Intergang managed to steal the corpse of Bizarro Superman.
In this week’s episode titled “Of Sound Mind,” we learn that Clark can’t face the fact that Lois might die. Jordan seems to be less affected by Kryptonite than Clark. Lana finally discovers Kyle’s and Chrissy’s relationship, and the biggest shock of the episode is the revelation behind Onomatopoeia’s identity. Let’s see how things played out.
Clark Joins a support group for family members affected by cancer
One of the biggest storylines this season is the fact that Lois has breast cancer. The fight has only begun, and we’ve already seen a rollercoaster of emotions, from Lois’ unwillingness to start chemo to anger and fear.
Now that Lois started getting her treatments and the family is able to see the effects of chemo firsthand, Clark decided to join the group therapy to better understand both the disease and what Lois is going through. But he eventually quits it. He can’t stand the thought of losing Lois, and one of the goals of this group therapy is making peace with sometimes inevitable things to come when cancer is concerned.
Meanwhile, Lois uses her chemo appointments to learn more about Dr. Hook and Hob’s Bay Medical Center. Lois meets Peia, a woman getting her chemo at the same time as Lois, who offers to give her any info about Hob’s Bay since she was born and raised in the area.
Deadline’s disease is catching up to him
Sam Lane contacts Clark; there appears to be some kind of trouble with James Distefano. He is in poor physical condition, and he begs to be taken to Bruno Manheim, the only person who can save him. To remind you, James was suffering from a terminal condition, stage 4 Lymphoma, and he was approved for compassionate release on those grounds.
Bruno Manheim and Dr. Hook experimented on Stefano and haltered the progress of his disease. By injecting Distefano with Kryptonian blood, the disease disappeared for a time, but he is now doomed to be injected with small quantities regularly to keep the disease at Bay.
The last time we saw Distefano, he was Deadline, a supervillain with phasing powers. He got stuck in a wall during the D.O.D. raid when Intergang stole Bizarro Superman. Distefano had been held at the D.O.D. secret facility for a month now, ever since the fight, and his condition deteriorated rapidly.
Superman uses his X-Ray vision to confirm that Deadline’s body is riddled with tumors, he takes him to Bruno Manheim at Deadline’s request, but Manheim refuses to help him, telling Clark to take him to a hospital instead. Clark takes him to the hospital, but it is too late, and Deadline dies.
Bruno Manheim sends Onomatopoeia after Superman
Back in his secret Lair, Manheim and Dr. Hook discuss how best to reanimate Bizarro Superman. Manheim stresses the fact that he needs the reanimating serum as soon as possible, but Hook refuses to deliver as long as he is dealing with the danger that Superman and Lois present. Manheim promises that Lois won’t find anything dirty on him, and he sends Onomatopoeia to deal with Clark.
Jordan is ready to grow up and save people, Clark is not as ready
By passing the final test in the Fortress of Solitude, Jordan is ready to save people on his own, but Clark disagrees. Due to Jordan being half-human and young, they are unaware of his limits and weakness. Clark ups the difficulty of challenges that he will face in the Fortress of Solitude, and if he manages to beat those simulations, he will allow him to take on some less serious cases.
Lois learns about the other side Hob’s Bay
Lois sat down with Peia, the woman she met at chemo treatment, and decided to meet with her to learn more about Hob’s Bay. Hob’s Bay was in the past treated like a slum area of the Metropolis, and the lives of the people living there were constantly neglected and put in danger.
Peia claims that Bruno Manheim transformed the area and allowed everyone in Hobs Bay to live their lives in prosperity.
Peia finds it hard to imagine that people who have done so much for her would be able to hurt other people to achieve it. She mentions how Hob’s Bay Medical Center saved her life when no one else could, and most importantly, they cared about her.
Lois argues that she has a bad feeling about it all and aims to prove that Manheim is not the saint that everyone in Hob’s Bay believes he is.
Lana Lang finds out that Chrissy and Kyle are romantically involoved
After a less-than-amicable divorce, Lana and Kyle have a strained relationship. Kyle moved on pretty quickly and got into a “sort-of” relationship with Chrissy. Everything culminated when Kyle neglected his daughter, Sophie until she disappeared while Kyle was supposed to be watching her.
Instead of spending quality time with his daughters, Kyle was hiking with Chrissy, and Lana found out about it, which led to worsening relations between them.
Onomatopoeia makes her move on Superman
Onomatopoeia used her sound-based powers to fake Lois’ distress call. Clark rushed to help what he thought was Lois but was instead greeted by Onomatopoeia and Intergang members who used kryptonite-enriched weapons to incapacitate him.
When Jordan figured out that Lois is no danger and that the distress call they both heard was a setup, he rushed to help Clark.
Jordan joined the fight, ready to face the Intergang and Onomatopoeia, but he proved to be less than ready to face a team of armed fighters. He got hit by a kryptonite-enriched weapon, and the effect that green Kryptonite has on him appears to be different than what Kryptonite does to Clark.
Jordan was lying unconscious on the floor, sporting several wounds and burn marks, but he woke up in record time. This led Clark to believe that Kryptonite is not as dangerous for young Jordan as for a full-grown Kryptonian.
Peia reveals herself to Onomatopoeia
In the last few scenes of Superman & Lois, we can see Onomatopoeia returning to Bruno Manheim, revealing that she has been defeated once again and Superman is alive.
She also claims that she can’t do this anymore as she removes her mask, and under the mask is the woman that Lois met during her chemo treatments, the same woman she had dinner with and who attempted to persuade her from digging further into Manheim’s past. Onomatopoeia’s real name appears to be Peia, and she has some sort of romantic relationship with Bruno, and it appears that Bruno truly cares about her, judging by his reaction and the necessity to develop a cure for her condition.