T.E.A.M. – Together Everybody Achieves More…X-Men Style

Of course, it does. Everyone knows this. It may take time, age, and wisdom but we all come to terms with it. There’s an African proverb that goes something like, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” And it speaks the truth.
This isn’t to say that it isn’t important to look after yourself because if you don’t, then who will? The problem is that when we look after only ourselves, we often look for handouts and for things to be easy. Go ahead and ask any successful person how they got there. They will almost assuredly tell you that it had something to do with the support from those around them. You know, family, friends, colleagues, and associates.
I can go on and on with quotes and motivational speeches about the importance of acting like a team…and I will. Or at least for one more second, I will.
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is Success,” – Henry Ford.
Every single member of a T.E.A.M. has their own role and most teams are made up of identical parts. Boss/Leader, Managers, Role Players, Rookies, etc… In the comic world, this is no different. Allow me to explain.
Let’s use the original X-Men team as a way of showing how this works.
Charles Xavier was the founder of the team and lived by his vision to turn the world into a place where both humans and mutants can live harmoniously. Charles was the Boss/Leader. He supported his team through his guidance, wisdom, leadership values, and unwavering dedication to his vision. He was the definition of what a good leader should be.
My favorite X-Man, Scott Summers (Cyclops) was the second in command or the Manager. He was the one to pass down the message from Charles to the team. He was there to guide the team and to make sure that the vision of Charles was being brought to fruition. Above this, he was the one that they would turn to in the event that things went wrong.
Jean Grey and Hank McCoy would be the members who I consider Role Players. Jean would take new recruits under their wing and show them what is what like to be a member of the team. She was the voice of trust and reason. Hank, on the other hand, was the brains of the operation. From an intellectual standpoint, he would be the one that knew the ins and outs of policies and procedures.
Finally, Warren Worthington III (Angel) and Bobby Drake (Iceman) would be categorized as the Rookies. These two were the youthful vibrancy that every successful team needs. They were responsible for bringing in new ideas and challenging the “old” way. In short, they allowed the team to keep pace with the changing times.
Together a T.E.A.M. can win.
The point that I am trying to illustrate is that a single person cannot make a T.E.A.M. function. A team requires the intangible qualities of a group of people be brought together for the greater good of the group. By having members from all facets of life, a team can and will become successful through strength, will, and determination.
Don’t get me wrong. Not every T.E.A.M. works well. Some members will have hidden agendas while others don’t value the importance of being a team. What I am saying is that to be truly successful, a team must operate and perform as a team, just as the X-Men have done since the 1960’s.