The X-Men’s Most Controversial Romance Returns in ‘Storm’ #3

Relationships in the X-Men team are a big part of their stories, often mixing romance with drama. It’s part of the team’s identity, even if often they are complicated and headache-inducing. The team has produced one of the most iconic love triangles in Marvel Comics, between Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Wolverine. But now it seems that ‘Storm’ #3 is going to revive one more controversial relationship, that between Wolverine and Storm .
In the new series, she learns from Brother Voodoo that she will die soon after he heals her from radiation poisoning, which also stops her powers for seven days. She goes to New Orleans to train with Rogue’s X-Men, including Wolverine, to process her feelings about her possible death. While training, Storm and Wolverine share a kiss in the rain, spend the night together, and Storm leaves before he wakes up.
Storm and Wolverine share a close and complex relationship in Marvel comics and animated series. They have deep respect and trust for each other, often leaning on one another as friends and teammates, but sometimes their bond turns romantic. In ‘X-Men: The Animated Series’ and the comics, their relationship has been teased for years.
Even though Wolverine is most often associated with Jean Grey, his romance with Storm is so noteworthy that it even made it to ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past.’ Unfortunately, the scene was ultimately deleted from the film but as you can see, at one point they were supposed to share a tender and passionate moment together.
It’s still possible to bring Wolverine’s and Storm’s relationship to live-action with the upcoming X-Men live-action reboot. It would be a perfect way to distance itself from the Wolverine-Jean Grey trope, especially now that ‘X-Men ’97’ also went in that direction.
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