Did TMZ Reporter Suggest Majors Was Denied a Second Chance Like RDJ and Ezra Miller Because of His Race?

Following the release of ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp: Qunatumania’ the superhero media world was shaken by allegations brought to light against Jonathan Majors, introduced in ‘Loki’ Season 1 as He Who Remains and in ‘Quantumania’ as Kang the Conqueror, the next big villain for the Multiversal Saga.
Jonathan Majors’ career has been in somewhat of a freefall ever since he was arrested in March 2023 after an alleged assault of a woman he knew and was rumored to be his girlfriend. He was laid off from several projects, his manager and PR team quit, and several commercials featuring the actor were pulled.
However, the actor maintained his innocence throughout the process, and his legal team assured him that they’d prove his undoubted innocence. First, they released text messages between Majors and the alleged victim, but that only seemed to backfire against Jonathan – at least in the public eye. In December, the guilty verdict came and Disney fired Majors, which prompted numerous changes within the franchise.
‘Avengers: Kang Dynasty’ was retitled ‘Avengers: Doomsday’ and Kang’s role in the MCU has been greatly diminished, as the character will be replaced by Robert Downey Jr.’s Doctor Doom.
In his recent “interview” with TMZ Majors discussed RDJ’s casting, and the interview totally took an unexpected direction as the reporter sort of implied that Majors was denied a second chance due to his race.
The primary evidence for this is that RDJ was a problematic actor as well when he was given a second chance in Hollywood with ‘Iron Man’ (2008). They also compared his situation to Ezra Miller, who faced numerous allegations and legal problems, despite calls for the Flash actor to be removed from the DCEU, he still eventually got his own standalone movie. That movie however flopped, in large part due to people boycotting Miller, but that’s not something you will hear mentioned in this context.
TMZ: It was announced that Robert Downey Jr. was being brought back for Marvel to play Doctor Doom. I mean, looks like he’s replacing your villain, you know Kang. I mean, aren’t you hurt by the new direction that, like, Marvel is going in?
Majors: Yeah, heartbroken.
TMZ: You are?
Majors: Yeah, come on. Yeah, of course. I love him. I love Kang. Doctor Doom is legit though.
TMZ: Yeah, I mean, both Robert Downey Jr. and Ezra Miller have had like a history of trouble with like, you know, the law, and getting arrested for felonies. I mean you only had a misdemeanor, do you feel like it’s unfair? That you’re like not being given the same opportunities as them?
Majors: I think it’s fair, that, Mr. Downey is being, and has been greeted with patience and curiosity, and love, and that Mr. Miller has gotten the same treatment, and that they’re being allowed to work their art and be creative, at that level. I didn’t really get that, so, you know.
TMZ: Do you wish you had like this same opportunity as them?
Majors: I mean that’s hard. I mean, come on, yeah.
TMZ: Why do you mean that’s a case though? For them?
Majors: Wow! I don’t know. *laughs*
TMZ: Would you want your old role back? Like, your old job back as Kang the Conqueror?
Majors: Kang? Hell yeah. Hell yeah hell yeah. I love him. I love Kang. Love He Who Remains. Love them. If that’s what the fans want if that’s what Marvel wants, hell yeah.
I have to give credit to Majors he tried to keep it short concise and professional while the journalist was obviously baiting him into saying that it’s all about race. Majors refused to do that. Well, he did laugh, and it’s likely what he partially thinks as well, but he didn’t say it out loud.
No matter what your personal opinion about the situation is, you have to admit that having someone convicted of violence to star in your movies is never a good look for a “family-friendly” franchise.
Miller also was not welcomed with open arms, he was mercilessly trashed by fans on social media, and quite frankly no one wanted him in the movie after some serious allegations came to light. He will likely never be a part of that franchise (DCU…) and neither will Amber Heard, whose presence in ‘Aquman and the Lost Kingdom’ caused similar levels of scandal.
What do you think? Did Majors lose his status and job beacuse of his race or beacuse he was convicted of a violent crime? Let us know in the comments below!