Tom Hardy Opens Up About the “Romantic” Dynamic Between Eddie and Venom: “They’re so intimate”

Just over a month ago, the highly anticipated third ‘Venom’ movie hit theaters. True to its title, the story ended on a dramatic and emotional note. Venom sacrificed himself to destroy the Codex and save the universe, while Eddie, now seen as a hero after the Area 51 events, got his record cleared and can finally live freely.
Even so, the final scenes showed how much Eddie missed Venom. Their relationship was complex but entertaining—Venom, an alien symbiote, gave Eddie superpowers but also caused constant chaos.
They often argued like a quirky duo, with Venom’s wild personality clashing with Eddie’s desire for normalcy. Despite their differences, they built a strong bond and became a team that truly depended on each other.
WatchMojo asked Tom Hardy if Eddie and Venom’s relationship could be considered romantic. While the question might seem silly, Hardy gave a thoughtful and interesting answer.
He described their relationship as unique and complex, mixing elements of a buddy comedy, bromance, and even romance. Hardy explained that their deep connection comes from sharing both a physical and emotional bond, making them inseparable. In the end, he said their relationship is all about their unusual, symbiotic partnership.
Yeah. I mean, it’s a buddy comedy. It just happens to be two people that love each other. It’s a bromance. It’s got its own umbrella. They’re so intimate because they actually are, you know, inside each other all the time.
That’s got so many connotations for any grown-up, you know, they’re going to go “Oh you can extrapolate so much from that situation.” Of course. So, the intimate nature of the two, I don’t think it can just be a buddy movie, a bromance, a romance, or anything. It’s just unique, it’s unique to the fact that these people are stuck with each other, these creatures, they live as one, but they are two.
All that panoply of options that comes out of relationship exercises can be imbued within.
And there you have it—the most unusual ship you’ll see today! What are your thoughts on their relationship? Share with us in the comments!