Top 10 All-Time Favorite Superhero Couples, Ranked by Fans

Ranker is a popular online platform where fans can vote on and rank nearly anything they want, whenever and however they choose. These rankings are always fan-driven and not officially associated with the creators of the works being ranked.
Recently, Ranker held a large survey to find out which superhero couples fans love most. While the list includes many beloved pairs, we’ve narrowed it down to the top ten for a closer look. Alongside the rankings, we’re sharing our own insights and commentary to bring extra context and depth to the results.
This is a list you won’t want to miss! Read on as we count down from 10 to 1, showcasing fans’ favorite superhero couples of all time. Enjoy!
10. Cyclops and Jean Grey
Rationale: For the majority of the 20th century, Jean Grey and Scott Summers were the it couple in Marvel Comics. Their relationship came to a tragic end when Jean sacrificed herself to save everyone she cared for from the Dark Phoenix. Scott was crushed from this, and it would be a long time before he could be with anyone else.
We loved Ranker’s summaries, so we decided to include them here. When it comes to Cyclops and Jean, they’re an iconic couple with a long-standing legacy, and we definitely agree they deserve a spot on this list—perhaps even a higher one!
9. Black Panther and Storm
Rationale: T’Challa married Ororo Munroe, otherwise known as the X-Man, Storm. It is a grand event that took the girl who grew up with people worshipping her as a god, and made her a bona fide Queen.
Their relationship is one of the strongest, and they would do (and have done) anything for one another. Storm’s close association with Wakanda has drawn a line between herself and the X-Men, as well as the Avengers a time or two, but for the most part, she and her husband are still power players in the Marvel Universe
Though this is a notable comic book romance, we wouldn’t necessarily place it in the top ten—especially considering iconic pairs like Spider-Man and MJ, Iron Man and Pepper, or Superman and Lois didn’t make the cut. But ultimately, the fans have spoken!
8. Daredevil and Elektra
Rationale: The love affair between Elektra Nachios and Matt Murdock is one fraught with misery and despair. Just when they were looking like they might be able to take it further, Elektra goes and gets herself impaled on the end of one of her own sais, thanks to Bullseye. She crawled to Matt’s stoop and died in his arms.
She didn’t stay dead for long, but being reborn didn’t exactly make her run back to Matt, and they have had a chaotic relationship for most of their tenure together in the Marvel Universe.
Daredevil and Elektra may not be a mainstream couple, but they’re one of Marvel’s most captivating, intense, and enduring pairs. We can definitely get behind this choice!
7. Nightwing and Starfire
Rationale: A “will they, won’t they” power couple in the 1980s Young Justice comics and throughout the DC animated universe, these two are iconic beyond reproach. Having started off as teammates, sparks eventually blossomed for this alien princess and this ex-Robin. They lead their crime-fighting teams, side by side and hand in hand, supportive to the end. As of 2021, DC has finally brought them back together after decades apart.
While this couple is beloved by many and undeniably important, we don’t feel they quite deserve a spot in the top 10, especially compared to some of the iconic pairs that didn’t make the list.
6. Scarlet Witch and Vision
Rationale: Vision and Wanda Maximoff have been one of the most powerful team-up/relationships in Marvel Comics’ history, but theirs is a heartbreaking tale. They’ve wed, been apart, Vision lost his humanity, he regained it, they had kids, didn’t have kids, and at one point, Wanda killed/destroyed Vision.
They clearly have a strong love for one another, but their relationship has been fraught with complications and heartache.
This couple has gained popularity through the movies, and while they are undeniably one of the most enduring pairs in the comics, we wouldn’t place them quite this high compared to some other iconic duos.
5. Aquaman and Mera
Rationale: Arthur Curry and Mera have had a relationship since the 1960s, but as it progressed into the following two decades, it got a little bit rocky. Still, they have had a strong relationship off and on throughout the years, and even though they’ve been apart every once in a while, they always manage to swim back into one another’s arms.
Aquaman and Mera are certainly a well-known and enduring couple who deserve a spot on this list, but personally, we’d rank them a bit lower—especially considering some other couples we feel deserved a place but didn’t make the cut.
4. Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman
Rationale: Reed Richards and Susan Storm have been one of the best couples in comic book history, having been together nearly from the beginning. They eventually married and had two children, who are incredibly powerful in their own rite. Their wedding issue was one of the biggest events during the Bronze Age of Comics, and they remain together decades later.
This choice makes perfect sense—Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman are one of the most iconic and enduring couples in comic book history. We fully agree with their place on the list.
3. Green Arrow and Black Canary
Rationale: Oliver Queen has had an on-again/off-again relationship with Dinah Laurel Lance, the daughter of the first Black Canary, who carried on her superhero career. The eventually got married to one another, and their son, Connor Hawke, replaced his father as the Green Arrow after Queen “died.”
We believe their high ranking is largely due to the Arrowverse, as neither Green Arrow nor Black Canary are typically considered mainstream characters. While their romance is well-known, it doesn’t quite warrant a spot in third place.
2. Rogue and Gambit
Rationale: Despite Rogue’s ability to sap the life from anyone she touches, she has had a longstanding relationship with Remy LeBeau, otherwise known as Gambit. Their relationship was mainly a should they/shouldn’t they sort of thing for about 30 years, but they eventually found a way to be together.
This is one we can definitely agree with. The decade-long romance between Rogue and Gambit has been filled with challenges and obstacles, yet they’ve overcome them all, making their love story one of the best in the comic world.
1. Batman and Catwoman
Rationale: Bruce Wayne was instantly attracted to Selina Kyle the first time they met, and over the course of decades, their relationship was a chaotic mess. Selina went straight, then returned to crime, and all the while, Bruce loved her and “failed” to capture her on more than one occasion. Eventually, they got married, but there isn’t a lot of normal where the Dark Knight (and his relationships) is concerned.
Whether you agree or not, the Batman and Catwoman romance undeniably deserves recognition, and we fully support this choice. The chemistry between the two is nothing short of captivating.
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